Overview | Far Cry 5 | New Dawn | Far Cry 6 |
The AR-C Assault Rifle is a weapon found in Far Cry 5.
Far Cry 5[]
« | Once a military oddball, this modular semi-automatic rifle has become wildly popular with the DIY crowd. | » |
In-Game Description |
One of the first weapons that will be used by The Junior Deputy, the AR-C can be easily found on a large number of bodies, both living and dead. A basic weapon, the main advantage it holds over the AK-47 is an increased fire rate, and is a good all-around starter weapon until the users obtains a weapon they prefer.
The base model, the AR-C has one of the highest amounts of weapon skins for a single weapon in the game, having eight in total. The "Gold Medalist" skin can be unlocked by completing the Vespiary Prepper Stash, while the "Goldenhide" skin can be unlocked in UPlay by logging into the Far Cry Arcade website.
The AR-C can be fitted with one of several optical sights, a suppressor, an extended magazine, and one of several skins.
« | This AR-C is a shark. Don't ever play pool or cards with it. | » |
In-Game Description |
The Shark is an AR-C painted in a shark-mouth motif, similar to the M-79, 1911, and AR-CL that also have a similar paint scheme.
The Shark can be fitted with one of several optical sights, a suppressor, and an extended magazine, but as it is a Prestige weapon, can not be fitted with a skin.
« | This special semi-automatic rifle is prepared for multiple end of the world scenarios. | » |
In-Game Description |
Part of the deluxe edition content, the Silver & Carbon Fiber is an AR-C decked out in bright chrome and bold red.
The Silver & Carbon Fiber can be fitted with one of several optical sights, a suppressor, and an extended magazine, but as it is a Prestige weapon, can not be fitted with a skin.
« | If this isn't the official firearm of the United States of America, it should be. | » |
In-Game Description |
The weapon of a true patriot, the Stars & Stripes is an AR-C themed in a bright blue base, with red and white accents in the style of Old Glory.
The Stars & Stripes can be fitted with one of several optical sights, a suppressor, and an extended magazine, but as it is a Prestige weapon, can not be fitted with a skin.
- The AR-C is a fictional weapon, primarily based on a Mega Arms MATEN .308 Winchester (7.62mm NATO) ambi billet receiver (hence the lack of a forward assist, which AR-10 pattern weapons like the MATEN often do not have) with the larger .308 magwell swapped for a .223 / 5.56mm one. The handguard is based loosely on a Daniel Defense MFR M-LOK model with the company's old 6-bolt "bolt-up" attachment system. Other parts include a Battle Arms Development Enhanced Single-Side fire selector, a Radian Weapons Raptor ambidextrous charging handle, a stock which is halfway between the Magpul ACS and UBR stocks, a stainless SureFire SOCOM muzzle brake, and somewhat inaccurately-rendered Magpul PMAGs with Ranger Plates.
- AR-C possibly stands for for "Armalite Rifle Carbine" and is a stand in for the various AR-15 carbine derivatives available for sale on the firearms market. It may also stand for "AR-15 converted" as it is heavily implied to be a full-auto conversion of a civilian AR-15.
- The AR-C used by Cult Members appears to Use a Variant with White Parts.
- Despite clearly being a select-fire receiver with a marked automatic position on the fire selector, the in-game description describes the AR-C as a semi-automatic rifle.
- Like the Skorpion, Vector .45 ACP and MP5 variants, the AR-C's fire selector moves to show the selected fire mode, though like the MP5 burst and auto use the same setting.
- There is a bug in Far Cry 6 where the AR-C will not unlock after completing the Treasure Hunt "A Little Birdie Told Me" if the player completed The Vanishing prior to doing so. Ubisoft Support claims there is a fix in the works, however no details or estimated date have been given.
- In Far Cry 6 no enemies use the AR-C (except in cutscenes). However, freed hostages will always scavenge an AR-C from athe bodies of downed FND Soldados in their vicinity regardless of what weapon the dead Soldados were previously armed with. This is likely due to re-used game coding from Far Cry 5.
See also[]
- AR-CL - Marksman rifle variant
- AK-47 - Soviet assault rifle
- M-16 - The Hours of Darkness equivalent