Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 3

A Man Named Hoyt is the fourteenth mission of Far Cry 3.

CIA Agent Willis Huntley informs Jason that someone in Beras Town has stolen a transportation manifest potentially containing information on Oliver's whereabouts from a man named Hoyt. Seeking information about his missing friend Jason travels to Beras Town where he rescues a Rook Islander by the name of Rongo from a death squad hired by Hoyt.

He retrieves the manifest and escapes Beras. It is assumed that Rongo also flees the town.



  • Go talk to Willis.
  • Leave the hut.
  • Go to the rice fields.
  • Go to the observation point undetected.
  • Secure the area before Rongo is killed.
  • Resecue Rongo.
  • Follow and protect Rongo as he makes his way to the village.
  • Protect Rongo while he searches his house.
  • Get the documents from Rongo.