APR graffiti
Alliance for Popular Resistance, or APR for short, is one of the two main factions in the civil war in the Unnamed African Country (UAC). The faction is led by a former Chief of Staff, Major Oliver Tambossa.
The APR is a multinational political and military organization that sought deeper integration among African states, and they were heavily pushing the U.A.C into joining them. However, resistance among workers' unions and anti-integrationist groups led to the U.A.C's government to hesitate joining. Eventually, the U.A.C's president was murdered, leading to the collapse of the government as pro-APR politicians and military officers immediately went to purge workers' unions, opposition politicians and activists, leading to the formation of the UFLL. The local APR faction was formed shortly after, composed of the same pro-APR politicians and military officers who led the purges.
They were likely the culprits of the President's murder due to Greaves knowledge of the President's death and the murderers were suspected to be the president's own security with the APR composed of former government army.
The flag and symbol of the APR is a red star in a half black, half green circle. On the black side of the circle are two yellow lines coming out from the star.
Current position[]
The APR control the Eastern part of the UAC with in Leboa-Seko, they control the north while in Bowa-Seko, they control the south.
The most notable key strategic areas the APR control is the country's borders as they stationed at key areas like Sepoko, the country old border post and airfields in both regions, locking the civilians in the country notwithstanding the African Union embargo on the UAC. They also control the small settlements in the country like Mokuba and Dogon Village as examples. They also control key areas where they usually protect their VIPs such as the Fort and Private Property.
- Major Oliver Tambossa - Leader.
- Prosper Kouassi - Captain.
- Nick Greaves - First lieutenant.
- Walton Purefoy - Lieutenant.
- Arturo Quiepo - Lieutenant.
- The APR is mainly composed of remnants of the UAC's former military and foreign soldiers from the other African nations that make up the APR. Aside from foreigners, natives of the UAC who share the APR's ideals join the APR, as well as foreign Mercenaries who are looking to make a profit from the conflict.
- Although they print a red star on their propaganda, they call the UFLL a "communist dictatorship," which would imply the APR is against Communism. It's also possible the APR is on the right of the political spectrum and the UFLL on the Left (as the latter's name implies), although besides rhetoric both factions are identical in practice, i.e. their only interest is greed and power, and oppressing the civilian population.