Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

Animal Control is a Prepper Stash in Far Cry 5. Prepper Stashes are mini-quests that offer exceptional rewards for completing. A grapple is required for this quest. 


Northeast of Peaches Taxidermy in Henbane River.

Finding the Stash[]

Head northeast from the back side of Peaches' Taxidermy and there will be another road with cultists on it. Not far from them is a dead man. The stash note is with the corpse. Read the note and follow directions to a nearby cave (Howling Cave). It's just a little ways up the hill. Go inside the cave and kill the wolves. Climb up the cave wall as far as you can, then jump off the cliff and into the water. Start climbing again and take out the group of cultists. Keep climbing to the top. The stash is near the helicopter. The helicopter can be used to get out by going straight up.


2 Yellow backpacks with Ammo and Parts. Below the first Grapple point.

1 wolf in a cage. Below the second grapple point

1 note with cultist orders. Below the second grapple point

In front of helicopter

10 stacks of money.

3 perk magazines

2 Liqur bottles

1 first aid kit

1 sack of fertilizer
