Assassination missions (Terminate the target on the map) are side-missions in Far Cry 2.
These missions become available after you complete the last tutorial mission. When the "Exit the church to find a job" mission is completed, an orange triangle pops up next to all the antenna icons on the map. When the player goes to any cell tower, there will be a "call box" on the side of it. When interacted with, the player character will receive a phone call from a shady contractor using a voice changer who will instruct him to assassinate a "target of opportunity" who is located in a certain area of the map. After the target is killed, payment in diamonds will be instantly transferred to the player's account.
All targets appear to have business suits. Their status varies from being protected by a convoy and constantly moving around, staying in a guard post or familiar location, to hanging out in a cease fire zone. Bizarrely, one target even wanders around Bowo Seko near the crash site with no weapons, no convoy, and no vehicle. He can even be observed to do this at night.
The reasons for assassinating these targets are never made clear, although it is possible that the client's motivations are factional or that they simply wish to take out their competition. It should be noted that a lot of the targets in Buddy missions bear the same character models and suits as these targets but are instead given distinctive identities.
Interestingly, a target located in a ceasefire zone can open fire on the player if alerted, but no response from faction soldiers in the vicinity will be triggered until the player shoots/attacks them.
There are six assassination missions available in Leboa-Sako, each worth 10 diamonds. They can be completed in any order.
Mokuba Target
This target is one of the hardest in the game, especially on Infamous difficulty level, mainly because he is situated in a large confined area with at least a dozen enemies. While stealth can be used to sneak into and around the area, it is almost impossible to take him from a distance, as he is inside a shack. It is quite possible to use the mortar (can only be picked up in Act 1 from a safehouse during a faction mission) and hit the shack he is in to kill him, or to sneak into his shack without alerting enemies, and then kill him by any means. Killing the target, however, alerts enemies, making escape difficult.
It is possible to get up onto the northern cliff at the far western end of the town and walk to the eastern end, giving an elevated sniper position from where Mr. Target can be shot with a sniper rifle as he scurries around after you get everybody all shook up by opening fire. Or, from the same cliff, look carefully for the head of Mr. Target barely visible above the edge of a shanty roof, shoot him with the dart-rifle and escape undetected. You might want to kill the RPG guy at the eastern before you go up, best done with a dart-rifle head shot from clear across the town.
Pala Target (South)
The south Pala target is fairly difficult, as shooting him with a silenced weapon or even using a machete will still break the ceasefire and cause the soldiers in the area to open fire on you whether it alerted them or not. One tactic is to use IEDs. Place one next to the target without being detected, then head towards a town exit. When the target moves closer to the IED (judge by the movement of his reticle on the map), set it off, and quickly run out of the ceasefire zone.
Convoy Target
The Convoy target, as its name suggests, is a part of a convoy driving around the desert. He will be in a blue Jeep. To take out this target successfully, you can situate yourself at a far distance on a rock and wait for his Jeep to come into view. A sniper rifle, a rocket launcher, or IEDs can be used to take him out, as in convoy missions. One could also block his driving path, as it never changes, with an assault truck and fire at the convoy with the mounted weapon.
Shwasana Target
The Shwasana target is located in the center of Shwasana, next to a bridge. Because of Shwasana's large number of hostiles, it is recommended to sneak around the outside of the area, and wait for the target to appear next to the bridge. Using a dart rifle will not alert the enemies, and you simply need to sneak back out of the area.
Airfield Target
The Airfield target is located in a large dilapidated hangar. It is surrounded by at least six enemies, but it is possible to sneak in. A head shot with a Silent MP-5 or a Silent Makarov 6P9 gets the job done. The target can also be sniped from the rocks to the south. At night, you can sneak up to the hangar under the cover of darkness to the target for an easy kill.
Pala Target (North)
The north Pala target is located in an alleyway. Much like the south Pala target, shooting him with a silenced weapon or even using a machete will still break the ceasefire. Therefore, using IEDs in the way described for the Pala Target (South), is recommended.
Six more missions are available in Bowa-Seko, each paying 15 diamonds. Like the Leboa-Sako missions, these can be completed in any order.
Dogon Village Target
Similar to the Mokuba target in Act 1, the Dogon Village target can prove to be difficult if not pre-planned due to the confinement of the area and a large number of enemies. To add to the difficulty, the village is guarded by a mortar team. The best bet is to sneak into the village, using bushes and walls as cover points, and kill the target with a shot to the head, preferably with a pistol or a dart rifle. If you remain calm and sneak out the way you came, the guards in the area will simply be in alert mode but not knowing of your presence.
Port Selao Target (East)
Similar to the Pala targets in Act 1, this target is located within a ceasefire zone, and the same conditions apply - a silenced weapon or machete kill will break the ceasefire even if undetected. Unlike the Pala targets, however, he is located within the center of town, and can be easily killed with a sniper rifle from a distance. After the kill you will quickly come under fire by guards, but not so much to be killed if you sprint to the closest exit.
Northeast Convoy Target
The difficulty of this target can vary due to the randomly generated weapons on the Assault Trucks guarding him. Located in the Crash Site area, the convoy simply drives up and down the hill (at a fast speed, however). Any conventional method is useful to take the convoy out: Just situate yourself nearby, wait for it to pass, and use explosives, sniper fires or automatic fires to do the damage. As mentioned before, be watchful of the weapons mounted on the Assault Trucks, if they are anything from a .50 to a Mk.19, take them out first!
Guard Post Target
This target is located deep within an Ammo Pile guard post, occupied by six or so enemies. On Easy and Normal difficulty modes, it is quite possible to simply rush the guard post and clear it out like you would any other, however on Hardcore and Infamous difficulty modes, this would almost be suicide. A very effective method is to use grenade-launching weapons from a distance (the MGL-140 and Mk.19-mounted Assault Truck are extremely useful), and bombard the area with explosions. If you are lucky, one or two blind shots should take him out, if not, they will at least have taken out most if not all of the enemies, allowing you to move in for an easy kill.
Port Selao Target (West)
Like the other ceasefire missions, shooting the target at close range or even stabbing him with a machete can break the ceasefire. Luckily, like the other Port Selao target, he is located dead-center within the town, so he can be killed from a good distance with a sniper rifle. You will come under fire from the town's guards after doing so, but not so much to be killed.
Sefapane Target
Like the Port Selao targets, the Sefapane target is located within a ceasefire zone. He is surrounded by several guards, so killing him via IEDs is almost impossible as you are very likely to be detected. Furthermore, the high fences around him make a long-distance kill difficult to pull off. A "quick and dirty" kill is probably the most efficient approach - throw a grenade at him and quickly sprint to the exit. The grenade will take out some of his guards too, making the escape slightly easier.
The church steeple makes an excellent sniper nest. Arrive by swamp boat from the southeast and leave the same way.
Far Cry 2 missions | |
Act 1 | Neutral Find the Jackal and kill him · APR Tutorial and training · Free the captive from the back room at the slaughterhouse or Free the captive from the bricked-up building at the fishing camp · UFLL Tutorial and training · Free the captive from the bricked-up building at the lumber camp or Free the captive from the bricked-up building at the cock-fighting arena · Neutral Find someone at Mike's Bar who can provide medicine · Exit the church to find a job · APR Ambush the convoy and kill the Police Chief · Free the captive from the back room at the slaughterhouse or Free the captive from the bricked-up building at the fishing camp · Head to the rail yard and destroy the tanker car · Destroy the compressor in the junkyard garage · Head to Goka Falls and kill Gakumba · UFLL Destroy the foreign commandos' gear · Free the captive from the bricked-up building at the lumber camp or Free the captive from the bricked-up building at the cock-fighting arena · Go to the oasis and tag the gold for the UFLL · Destroy the red pumps in the greenhouse · Head to Goka Falls and kill Kouassi · Neutral Talk to Reuben at the lumber camp |
Act 2 | Neutral Get to shelter · APR Terminate Leon Gakumba at his troop rally · Meet Greaves at Sefapane · UFLL Terminate Prosper Kouassi at his troop rally · Meet Voorhees at Sefapane · Neutral Rendezvous with buddy's barge and eliminate all attackers · APR Go to the village dental clinic and destroy the nitrous tanks on the flatbed · Destroy the generator powering the transmitter in Weelegol village · Free the captive from the bricked-up building at the Brewery · Go to the diamond mine and steal the TNT · Deliver Tambossa's letter to Mbantuwe at the Brewery and collect the diamonds · UFLL Destroy the kiln at the Dogon Village · Go to the Polytechnic and kill Seth Uniya in his office · Free the captive from the locked structure in the Dogon Sediko · Go to the weapons barge and kill Yabek · Deliver Mbantuwe's letter to Tambossa at the Dogon Sediko and collect the diamonds · Neutral Escape the prison · APR Go to the Dogon Sediko and kill Oliver Tambossa · UFLL Go to the Brewery and kill Addi Mbantuwe |
Act 3 | APR Go to Sepoko and kill Greaves and his aide · UFLL Go to the TaeMoCo mine and kill Voorhees and his aide · Neutral Meet Reuben at the Marina bar · Find Reuben in the airport hangar · Go to the jungle bivouac and kill both factions' commanders |
Act 1 | Josip Idromeno Go to the fuel depot and destroy the liquid propane tank · Terminate the car salesman at Mokuba · Quarbani Singh Go to the oasis in the southeast and find Quarbani's missing lockbox · Go to the police station garage and steal the prototype ammo · Marty Alencar Go to the villa and destroy the cargo down by the docks · Go to the Junkyard clinic and destroy the medic's supplies · Michele Dachss Go to the small house on the south river and kill the trafficker · Go to the rail yard and find the lost box of files · Paul Ferenc Go to the Fort and recover the documents · Go to the chemical dump and find the Agent Yellow recipe · Flora Guillen Destroy the ammo pile inside the Ranch House · Attack and destroy the convoy · Warren Clyde Go to the greenhouses and steal the sack of leaves · Go to Shwasana village and destroy the fuel station |
Act 2 | Andre Hyppolite Go to the Pump House and retrieve the briefcase · Get the box from the killer in Weelegol · Marty Alencar Go to the TaeMoCo mine and kill the mine chief · Go to Sefapane and kill the arms smuggler at the UFLL command post · Nasreen Davar Go to the Dogon Village and kill the APR official · Go to the airfield and kill the arms dealer · Xianyong Bai Go to the tourist resort and destroy the passport briefcase · Go to Sepoko and find the artifacts · Frank Bilders Head to the old Dental Clinic and destroy the radio transmitter · Go to the Polytechnic and destroy the supplies · Hakim Echebbi Go to the Pipeline construction site and kill the man on the tower · Go to Sefapane and grab the meeting notes from the bedroom |
Act 1 | Destroy the convoy to the East · Destroy the convoy to the North · Destroy the convoy in the Northwest · Destroy the convoy in the Southwest |
Act 2 | Take out the convoy in the Southwest · Take out the convoy to the East · Take out the convoy to the West · Take out the convoy to the North |
Act 1, 2 | Underground Underground objective · Neutral Assassination Missions |