Far Cry Wiki
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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5This article appeared in Far Cry New DawnThis article appeared in Far Cry 6

First appearing in Far Cry 5, the BP-2 is a Croatian-made bullpup assault rifle.

Far Cry 5[]


« This gun came all the way from Eastern Europe to shoot some Peggies. »

In-Game Description

The standard model, the BP-2 is a capable assault rifle that appears in Far Cry 5.

It can be purchased for $7,200, or 400 Silver Bars.

It can be fitted with a suppressor, optical sight, extended magazine, and one of several skin variants.

BP-2 "Infinite Fun"[]

« Give this gun a handful of quarters and let it have some fun in Far Cry Arcade. »

In-Game Description

The personal reward from completing the Arcade Nights Live Event, the BP-2 "Infinite Fun" is the unique variant of the standard BP-2.

Like the standard variant, the Infinite Fun can be fitted with a suppressor, optical sight, and extended magazine, but can not be modified with a skin as it is a Prestige Item.

The De-Animator[]

« The BP-2 will do the complete opposite of re-animating a dead person. »

In-Game Description

A reward from the score attack mode of the Dead Living Zombies expansion, The De-Animator is a unique cosmetic variant of the standard BP-2.

Like the Infinite Fun variant, the stats are otherwise identical, while having a unique theme based on the "glowing" zombies from the expansion, similar to the Shovel of the Dead or the O'Bannon Hand Cannon.

Far Cry New Dawn[]

"The Works" BP-2

« This assault rifle needed modifications out the ying-yang, but the final product is a thing of beauty. »

Weapon Description

The BP-2 returns in Far Cry New Dawn. the "The Works" BP-2 is a Rank 4 weapon. it has electrical tape wrapped around the grip next to the trigger. The stock is being held together by a wristwatch bracelet. The front of the weapon has a belt wrapped around the barrel with two elastic bands. a scope is affixed on the top of the weapon itself, with a gutted, hollowed-out screw attached to the barrel, partially wrapped with a bundle of blue tarp, which is restrained by elastic bands and zip-ties.

Far Cry 6[]

The BP-2 is available in Far Cry 6 as a level 2 weapon. It has modification options for rifle ammunition, muzzle devices, rifle sights, canted sights, and pointers. It also has one Weapon Mod slot.


  • The BP-2 is the Far Cry version of the Croatian VHS assault rifle, specifically the VHS-2 variant.[1]
  • The "Infinite Fun" variant marks the first time the VHS has appeared in a Far Cry title.
  • Like the "4 Color Fun", the "Infinite Fun" has a Far Cry Arcade styling to the appearance.
  • In Far Cry 6, it has an odd quirk, in that the compensator muzzle device fails to cancel out the recoil from the first round fired on a trigger pull. It is not currently known whether this is a bug.
  • The name could possibly stand for something like "Bullpup-2".


  1. 2018 June 19, Wikipedia: HS Produkt VHS. Retrieved 2018 June 19.