Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

« Our beloved leader Pagan Min awarded Baghadur Fortress (sometimes referred to by its old name of Ragatawada) to Noore as thanks for her many years of dedicated service. The warmth of our king can be seen in this gesture, those loyal to him are treated like family. »

King Min's Kyrat

Altitude: 8163 FT | 2488 M

Baghadur, sometimes referred by its old name, Ragatawada, is a location and Fortress within Southern Kyrat in Far Cry 4. The fortress belongs to Noore and becomes easier to liberate once she has been dealt with.

Tactical Tips[]

Despite appearances, the fort is actually quite easy to capture undetected as a solo player, even before being weakened. The outer wall and minefield can be bypassed by climbing the rocks to the left of the fort. You can then eliminate the pair of snipers inside. Afterward it is a simple matter of killing the remaining guards inside the temple.

Alternately, there is a tunnel to the left of the fort that allows you to walk straight into the inner temple if you prefer getting in close.

Due to its restrictive stone structure, this fortress is impossible to liberate using Elephants.


  • Baghadur is the smallest fortress in Kyrat.
  • This fortress has various entrances, which makes various strategies available to the player.
  • The rare Royal Army Heavy Gunner Commanders can be found at this fortress.

