Banashur's Tree of Life is a location within Kyrat in Far Cry 4.
The site is discovered after unlocking one of the bell towers, there is three dead bodies, some Loot Chests and one of the Masks of Yalung.
A note titled "Banashur's Pilgrimage" can be found on a table here which reads:
Begin at the tree of life and head south past Kyra’s Pilgrimage, stopping for puja at Chal Jama Monastery. Journey south again past Banashur’s Song and the road to Tirtha will take you to Kyra’s Meditation and later Kyra’s Tranquillity. After paying tribute to the Dhani in Tirtha, the final step of Banashur’s Pilgrimage is to climb the hill up to The Sleeping Saints and witness the lighting of the braziers at sunset.