Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

331/476 is a Bell Tower in South Kyrat, in De Pleur's region. This tower is the nearest to the road leading from Khilana Bazaar and the Banapur valley to the broader area of South Kyrat, about 350 meters north of that road. The tower provides sweeping views of the South, visible are the City of Pain, the Sleeping Saints, the Kyra Tea Factory, Eklo Beindu Summit, Ghasa Dhalana Summit, King's Bridge, the rock formations Shanath is built into, Hariyo Mathi Summit, the Rochan Brick Factory, structures of Kyrat Intl. Airport, and 6 other Bell Towers, making it an excellent first stop for a newcomer to Kyrat.

Nearby Locations[]


  • FWD: City of Pain!