Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

Bhirabata Outpost is a location, an outpost within northern Kyrat in Far Cry 4. Although the outpost is high and on the hills, its capture is easy when the walkthrough is familiar and known.

This outpost defends the area between Utkarsh and the KEO Svargiya Mine. It has 2 alarms, with the Royal Guards stationed there being backed up by 2 Guard Snipers and 3 Heavy Flamers.

If the Golden Path gain control of the outpost, Balin would plan an Assassination mission to eliminate a Royal Guard Sniper Courier, which Ajay Ghale can help.

As a side note, this is one of the only areas in the game where the player is able to get on top of the mountains that make up the borders of the worldspace. With a few tricky jumps, players can get up above the playable world area and onto the mountains. Trying to escape the boundaries of the map gives an out of bounds warning. Using a sniper, players can see where the terrain of Kyrat ends and the skybox takes over.

Players can also stay up there outside of the normal playing area and use a sniper to liberate the entire outpost without being detected. However, the player will be so far away that the outpost liberation trigger won't activate until the player comes back down into the world.
