Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

"Burn It Down" is the fifth mission in Act Two and the eleventh mission overall in Far Cry 4.


The player is tasked with destroying an opium factory and its fields disguised as the Kyra Tea Factory by Sabal who believes that cleansing the country from the drugs is morally the correct choice and instructs Ajay to burn it down. Before heading to the Kyra Tea Factory, a Golden Path soldier advises you to take some equipment to burn down the opium factory. Around him are Molotov Cocktails, a Flamethrower and a Flare Gun.

After burning the opium shipment Sabal will contact Ajay telling him that he did the right thing honoring his father's wish and protecting the land.


Once you arrive at the factory the game will mark four spots on the map that you must wipe out, 4 of these areas will be opium fields surrounding the main factory building and with sprinklers keeping them wet, the player can destroy the power generators and then burn down the fields using a flamethrower or by simply throwing Molotov Cocktails, there are also fuel trucks close to the fields. The factory is protected by around half a dozen Royal Army soldiers including a Sniper and Assaulters as well as a couple of dogs, its important to note that more enemies will backup as you burn complete your objectives, another thing to note is that there is a mortar installed at the top of the factory and Royal Army soldiers will try to man it and use it against the player.

Once the fields are burnt down the player can take care of the factory which houses stockpiles of opium put into stacks, there are a total of 9 stacks inside the building, planting some C4 to rig the place and blow it up without putting the player in the danger of getting damage by fire is a good tactic.

