Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry New Dawn

The old Copperhead Rail Yard was used as a fortified outpost by the cult before the Collapse. The Highwaymen took it and used it as a storage and weapons testing location.


Notable loot[]

Name Quantity Used for
Cra gear Gears 6x Crafting Weapons
Cra tit Titanium 3x Crafting Weapons and Vehicles
Cra comp Components 1x Crafting Weapons and Vehicles
Cons med Medkit 1x Healing
Saw Launcher Rank II 2x Buzz Kill


  • Weapons Evaluation
  • Food Storage
  • Audio Note: Mickey says that the good stuff is stored here and the men shouldn't f*ck this up. They have to lock everything up and keep eyes everywhere

