Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« Break into Jacob's Armory and rescue Deputy Pratt. »


Casualties of War is a story mission in the Far Cry 5 video game. It takes place at Jacob's Bunker in Jacob Seed's region of Whitetail Mountains. This is the last story mission after killing Jacob. Deputy Pratt who has been held by Jacob since his capture still needs to be rescued.


  • Use the key to enter Jacob's Bunker.
  • Reach the Control Room.
  • Unlock the Pressure Doors.
  • Rescue Deputy Pratt.
  • Escape Jacob's Armory.


After a call from Tammy, head to Jacob's Bunker north of the F.A.N.G. Center and scout the area. Take out the sniper on the raised lookout platform and the few cultists outside before entering the bunker. Head down the stairs and through the corridors. Tammy will call on the radio and suggest finding the Control Room. Once you reach the Mess Hall, there will be two peggies behind the counter. Kill them, or ignore them and head down the stairs. Take a right through the door. There is one cultist to the right - again, kill or ignore.

Look for a shrine with a cultist at a podium. Kill him, then keep going down the hall past him. Take a right at the end into the control room. Use the control to unlock the pressurized doors. Take a left out of the control room, then the first right into the now open storage room. Go straight through the room and take out the cultist in the next one. Keep going straight into a room with two cultists in it. Kill them and keep going through the door they were in front of.

Go down two sets of stairs to the left. A Bliss fumed cultist will meet the deputy at the next doorway. Kill him then go through. Go down the hallway, then through a door to the right. To the left from here is a door latch, past the dead dog. Hit the button to open the door. Pratt will be in here. Cut him loose. He will go on a bit of a psychotic rampage. After he is done, he will grab a rifle and follow the deputy.

There won't be any sneaking around now. Alarms are going off and the bunker is filling with water. Follow the waypoint and head back the way you came in. Find any staircase leading up and take it. Eventually, you will get to a door that leads outside. Run out and the mission will end.

A funeral is then held for Eli by the Whitetail Militia, where Tammy delivers a eulogy for Eli, before burning his body on a pyre. Tammy then approaches the Deputy, assuring them that their brainwashed assassination was not their fault and that Eli knows that. Wheaty then concludes the funeral with a rousing speech to inspire the Whitetails to destroy the Project at Eden's Gate Cult.

