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This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« Test the bait for Dr. Charles Lindsey. »


Clinical Study is a main story mission in Far Cry 5. It takes place in Faith Seed's region of Henbane River. This is the second mission for Dr. Charles Lindsey. It unlocks after completing Doctor's Orders.


  • Pick up the test bait
  • Reach the farm
  • Kill only the cultists
  • Place the bait on the table
  • Reach the roof of the shack
  • Get 1 Bliss oil
  • Get 3 undamaged grizzly bear skins
  • Get 2 undamaged skunk skins
  • Return to Dr. Charles Lindsey


In the previous mission for Dr. Lindsey, he had The Junior Deputy collect bear and pronghorn skills to create a bait for Angels (Bliss addicts). Now he wants the deputy to test it at a nearby farm. Pick up the bait and travel to the waypoint west of the Hope County Jail.

Fast traveling to the jail and spawning a helicopter is probably the quickest way. Land nearby. There are cultists in the area, but according to the doc, upsetting the Angels will cause the test to fail so he wants the deputy to kill cultists only. Easier said than done as the Angels attack the player as well.

If the Angels do attack, go ahead and kill them but get the bait placed on the table afterwards. The doc didn't quite do the formula correctly and it's not exactly Angels the bait is attracting anyway. Doc figures it out and needs new ingredients. Luckily, one of the ingredients is skunk skin and skunks are suddenly available, surrounding the table with the bait. Kill a couple (or all if you don't want to get sprayed) and get the skins. Grizzly can be found in Whitetail Mountains. One known spot is west of the Moccasin River. Using bait may help spawn them quicker.

After obtaining the skins, return to the jail. Talk to the doc to finish the mission.


600 Resistance Points, Bait upgrade - bait now attracts Angels.
