Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 6

Crash Marín is a bandicoot-obsessed base commander who knows nothing about his own FND base but still wants to restore the old military hierarchy. Being a crazed disciple of Antón, he is trying to start a church dedicated to the Castillo regime. He is concerned about 5G, Castillo's commitment to excellence, and declining lion populations.

Even though his men think he's unstable, they still rally around his cause, thus he leads the insurgency formed by remnants of FND in the wake of Castillo regime downfall, like his brother Raúl Marín before and after him. And he retook control of provinces, Lozanía, and Esperanza.

During his Insurgency, While he controls Lozanía and the capital, Esperanza. He is basically a leader who is making life miserable in the retaken provinces in Verdera and the invaded Capital of Esperanza.

His combat style is the same as FND Pistoleros, he fights with Skorpion, similar to Pistoleros in the previous game.


  • His name and his obsession are a reference to the Crash Bandicoot game series.
  • It's unclear whether "bandicoot-obsessed" means he is obsessed with misery or the Australian animal.

