Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

Cult VIPs are elite members of Eden's Gate. They are identified by their different appearance, Bliss emanating from their heads, Glowing eyes, and a red crown tag. They are slightly more resistant than regular enemies and award 75 Resistance Points when killed.


Their looks vary upon which region and what duty they are tasked with, but tactics against them would be all the same. They can be tricky when you neutralize them from a distance stealthily due to their higher HP. However, they are vulnerable with takedowns, explosives, projectile melee weapons, and headshots.


There are many male VIPs each called as Baptist, Chemist, Butcher, Scientist, Trainer, and Priestess.

  • Baptist and Chemist are both half-naked men with long hair. Baptist has AR-C and Chemist has 1911, such as Dmitri and Feeney.
  • Butcher and Scientist are bald men with an apron and both have an M133 shotgun and use smoke grenades.
  • Trainer has a catcher mask and a Baseball Bat, and conducts a melee charge at the player.
  • Priestess is red and black ombre hair women with AR-C.


  • They will often be giving speeches when inducting or expecting victims. The Priestess’ speech is the only one that has been transmitted to outposts. This has some lead players to believe that, that speech is a former candidate for Faith, while it actually are just the Priestess.
  • They will often be follow by Judges in Whitetail Mountains. They will be flying helicopters in Henbane River and Holland Valley.
  • Priestess only appears in Henbane River.

