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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry Primal

« Takkar u Da gwan (Takkar kill Dah) »

Dah asks Takkar to save him from his 'Skullfire'

Dah was a commander of the Udam tribe & an antagonist of Far Cry Primal. Before he pledged his allegiance to Takkar.


Dah is a proud, ferocious, and sickly Udam commander. One of the strongest fighters in the tribe, Dah commands the respect of all who follow him as he coordinates raiding parties and guards the gateway to the Udam homeland; Big Darwa Fort. Like all Udam, Dah fights to save his dying tribe from extinction - and he respects displays of dominance and strength above all else. He prides himself as the only Udam to have survived a duel with the tribe leader, Ull - a fight that won him great power and respect among his tribe.

Dah's strength has waned in recent months as crippling "skull fire" fevers sap his strength. This disease is one of many that afflict the Udam, the result of generations of inbreeding and cannibalism. The skull fires will eventually kill Dah, but until then he is determined to fight the contemptible Wenja softbloods and the fire-wielding sun walkers, two rival tribes that stand in the way of the Udam's survival.

Far Cry Primal[]

While capturing Big Darwa Fort, Takkar is attacked by Dah. After managing to disarm the commander, Takkar notices that Dah has rot bane. At first, Dah wishes that Takkar kill him, but the latter decides that the man is more useful alive and forcefully takes him to the Wenja Tribe. This is not taken well by some of the Wenja, particularly Sayla, Who want the Udam dead for their destruction of the wenja’s first village. Dah was nearly drowned by a group of Wenja, but Takkar saved him and says that dah

e shall decide the fate of Dah, and he chooses to let him live. From then on, dah shows respect towards takkar & continues to supply the tribe with useful skills & techniques.h

Wenja have taken him to a cave to drown him out of hate for the Udam and their continuous torture to Wenja, When Takkar arrives at the location with Wenja cheering he finds dah inside the pit beaten up and tied to the ground as the water level rises to sink him. The player must close 4 holes in the walls to stop the water flowing and submerging the cave, there are bitefish in the water. After stopping the water Takkar rescues Dah and brings him back to the village, some Wenja object on this move but are unable to stand against Takkar as he is considered to be their leader. Afterwards Dah points out how Takkar is different from the other Wenja and the quest ends.

Bone Dust:[]

In this mission Dah will talk to Takkar about his struggle with skull fire, a disease that many Udam suffer from and asks him to get him bone dust. A healing plant which will help calm the pain. To acquire this bone dust Takkar must head north to a camp close to Big Darwa Fort, there he will find Udam in a small camp with bone dust inside huts. The player must make his way inside and steal the bone dust. You only have to get one bag of bone dust but you can carry more for resources. Once you get the bone dust exit the camp and return to the village. Dah will thank you for getting him the bone dust and the quest ends.

Sisters of Fire:[]

This is the last quest in Dah's arc. To begin this quest head over to Dah's hut, he will tell you about the three fierce Izila sisters who he has been hunting for until Takkar captured him, he asks Takkar to go kill them as they are a common enemy for both the Udam and Wenja. Head down south and make your way up the mountain where you will find a small Izila camps with Izila roaming around, you will have to kill the three sisters that are accompanied by warriors, archers and spearmen. Using stealth is recommended or an ambush utilizing sting bombs/berserk bombs can get the job done easily. Once they are dead exit the camp and return to the village.

