Dirty Crumpled Letter is a document found in Far Cry 5. It can be found on top of a washing machine on the top floor of the King's Hot Springs Hotel in Henbane River.
- You're not the first one, Selena.
- You're not the first woman he's used up and thrown away.
- For years I'd been hearing this Faith Seed was tall as her brother, with black hair. Couldn't miss her.
- And then I saw you in one of their trucks last week, yellow hair in the breeze, and heard them calling you Faith.
- He thinks he can just SWAP YOU OUT. Like you don't got a brain of your own.
- God knows who you are, and so do you.
- Selena, I love you.
- Don't lose yourself to this.
- Through this letter and in-game dialouge, it's clear that Faith Seed is not one woman. The current Faith's real name is revealed to be Rachel, meaning that she is at least the third Faith, if she was the one who replaced Selena.