Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry Primal

The Double bow is a weapon players can obtain in Far Cry Primal.


The double bow shoots two arrows at once. While it makes for a beast of a weapon, it comes with the downside of using double the ammo of a regular bow. However, this may not be much of a downside, since it grants players the ability to shoot two enemies at once.


Crafting this weapon requires:

  • Jayma Hut Level 1
  • 5 Rare North Cedar
  • 7 Rare South Maple
  • 5 Rare Reeds


  • The bow appears to be themed after the Izila faction, as it has blue accents and a more advanced appearance.
  • The shaft of the bow has human figures carved into registers.
  • The bow appears to be based off the Penobscot bow. Which was used by native Americans in the East Coast.

