Dumpster Diving is a Prepper Stash in Far Cry 5. Prepper Stashes are mini-quests that offer exceptional rewards for completing.
This stash is located north of Fall's End at Dodd's Dumps (Waste Treament Facility) in Holland Valley.
Finding the Stash[]
The note will be outside the manager's trailer. The note mentions a stash in the back office and that the power isn't quite connected correctly. There are two ways to get inside. One is to walk around the outside of the fence till an open door is located. The other is to shoot the barrel on the top of the stacked containers and climb up to the roof and jump across.
Go over the wall and walk to the end of the red container with the board sticking off the end of it and jump to the crates in the center of the yard. Jump to the next container, turn right and use the grappling hook to swing to the ledge. Watch for blue ropes to guide the way. Drop down to the floor below the platform and find the flooded basement. The power will need to be turned back on, but remember the note.
The control switch for the power is on the north wall next to two large green tanks. Once the power is back on, the water will be dangerous so avoid stepping in it. Use the shelves behind you to cross over the water and then jump across the gap. From here players will need to leap to the crates behind the chainlink fence and climb to the top of the wall. Drop down the other side and use the wood beams to cross the water, then go through the door.
3 perk magazines 1 Body armour 2 dynamite
1 Flamethrower
7 stacks of money