Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

Ekta is a character of Far Cry 4.


  • "Yadav would never suspect an attack on his own camp...."
  • "They'll be relaxed, not expecting a thing...."
  • "It's a dangerous mission. I don't think I have anyone willing to take the risk...."
  • "Yeah well this job's full of it. I need Lt. Yadav taken out. There will be lots of soldiers around so keep quiet. And if possible, hide the Lieutenant's body. But make sure to take his dogtags."
  • "I know you can. I'll mark the location on your map. There also looks to be cave nearby that may give you with the perfect lookout."
  • "Good work! Yadav was such a.... [native language swear]! Praise the gods he's dead."
  • "Bai, you've done all of Kyrat - no - all of the world a great service!"