Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 6

« Most of these medics actually believe they’re doing good for Yara- just another example of Castillo’s propaganda and how it screws with your brain. »

Unknown Player

FND Medics are highly sought after and anyone with basic first aid knowledge qualifies. Many of them are morbidly curious but have good bedside manner.

They can revive fallen allies and throw healing "grenades" to refill health for others around them. Unlike FND standard Assaulters and Special Forces, the FND Medics fight with AK-47 using Poison rounds, dealing the same kind of damage (but not as devastating) as FND Fumigators. They also wield unobtainable 20 round variant of 6P13 pistol which they only use while on horses and other vehicles.

The Dentist is supposedly one of them, using the same Poison round AK-47 and Medic uniform, although the latter is just the hat.

They are supposedly serving under the General of the Brigadas Mecanizadas, as all FND Engineers and Medics have the emblem of Brigadas Mecanizadas on their armbands.

If Castillo regime falls, the remnants of FND refuse to surrender, they often form insurgencies and seizing back control of certain unstable areas. One famous Medic was the insurgent leader Emilia Rocha.

Strategic Data

  • Support units that revive fallen allies and support others with healing grenades.
  • Typically run to fallen soldiers first then throw heal grenades.
