« | Navy, Army, Air Force…. These guys have seen, been and killed more on Yara then the entire FND combined. Bunch of maladjusted assholes spoiling for a fight, this lot. | » |
Unknown player |
FND Special Forces Assaulters are smart, tactical operations. They are drawn from across the Yaran Military. Many have rudimentary demolitions knowledge and work alongside officers to destroy things in the loudest way possible.
They are the combination of 2 types: Assaulters and RPG Shooters, they fight at long distance as RPG Shooters, then use AK-47 for close quarter combat just like FND Assaulters and FND Medics, making them deadlier than FND Rocketeers who use the weaker SMG-11 for close quarter combat, and they have more destructive explosive power than FND Assaulters who only have grenades. Like all FND members, they use the unobtainable 20 round variant of 6P13 pistol while on horses and other vehicles.
They are similar to a type of Highwaymen Enforcers in Far Cry New Dawn who also used a combination of assault rifles and rocket launchers.
Known FND Special Forces Assaulters are Captain Isidoro Rasgado and Sergeant Jorrín.
If Castillo regime falls, the remnants of FND refuse to surrender, they often form insurgencies and seizing back control of certain unstable areas. Famous Special Forces Assaulters include the insurgent leaders Andrés Caballero and Nicolás Najarro.
They supposedly served under the command of air force general José Castillo back when he was alive, as their armbands have the emblem of the Fuerzas de Defensa Aereas. Except Captain Isidoro and Sergeant Jorrín, as they wore Fuerzas de Defensa de Tierra armbands instead.
- Standard FND special forces members.
- They use RPGs at long range to disorient enemies, then close in for the kill with Assault rifles.
- Use flashbang grenades at close range to disorient if surprised.
- Wear body armor and helmets, and can take more damage than most FND members.
- In early design, they used a far more advanced type of the AK family with scope and non wooden stock, before being changed to the common wooden stock AK-47 without scope.
- Unlike the rest who only got old Soviet RPG-7, Special Forces Assaulters wield the Americanized variant of RPG-7 from Far Cry 5, which is unobtainable for the player.