The Fall's End Resistance is a Resistance faction in Far Cry 5. It is Co-led by Jerome Jeffries, the Priest of Holland Valley and Mary May Fairgrave, the owner of Spread Eagle Bar in Fall’s End. It was formed by both Jerome and Mary to combat John Seed's control in the Holland Valley. Their main base is the Spread Eagle Bar.
- Jerome Jeffries - Co-Leader
- Mary May Fairgrave - Co-Leader
- Nick Rye - Member and Crop Duster Pilot
- Grace Armstrong - Member, Army Veteran Marksman, and Olympic Sharpshooter
- Merle Briggs - Member
- The Junior Deputy - Member and Leader of The Resistance
- Joey Hudson - Member and Deputy of Hope County
- They are the only faction where all known members survive by the end of Far Cry 5.