« | The statue of Joseph Seed dominates the region. Tracey wants to send a message. Destroy the statue and show everyone the Father is just a man. | » |
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False Prophet is a main story mission in Far Cry 5. It starts at the Hope County Jail in Faith Seed's region of Henbane River. After liberating the jail, return and talk to Tracey. Players should find her guarding a wall outside. The mission takes place at Joseph's Word - the location of the big statue.
- Reach the Father statue
- Destroy the Father statue
- Enter the statue
- Reach the top floor
Tracey at the Hope County Jail wants to destroy the statue of Joseph Seed. After talking to Tracey, make your way to the statue. Alternatively, one could simply go to the statue and proceed with destroying the statue even if one has not made contact with the Hope County Cougars yet, in which case, as the Deputy is destroying the statue, Tracey will contact the Deputy and express admiration for destroying the statue. It stands on a mountain top and is pretty hard to miss, especially from the air. It's possible to get there from the ground, but flying will obviously be much easier. There are a few places nearby that a helicopter could land.
Once near the statue, look for boxes of explosives and rocket launchers. Pick them up to use on the statue. Watch for Bliss addicts and cultists in the area including a VIP. The area surrounding the statue has several gardens of white Bliss flowers that can affect the player so avoid them if possible. Blow up the statue. It will have a health bar and will take several shots to destroy it. Cultists will start pouring in once the first explosion hits.
Tracey will get on the radio and suggest going inside the statue and climbing to the top. There is a book in it she wants destroyed. if the player has not made contact with the Hope County Cougars yet, she will simply proceed with the instructions as if they had not met in person yet.
Start climbing up and kill cultists the on the way. Keep the rocket launcher handy as reinforcements have brought in helicopters that will need to be destroyed and they stay at a bit of a distance.
Continue the climb to the top. Look for levers near ladders to drop them down within reach. Find the book of Joseph's prophesies. Interacting with it will cause the deputy to light it on fire and toss it, ending the mission. In response to this, Faith will contact the Deputy and subtly insinuate that Joseph will not be happy about his book being destroyed. If the player had initiated the mission and had not made contact with the Hope County Cougars yet, Tracey will tell the Deputy of the resistance fighting back against the cult and will invite them to join, telling them where they are, as well.
Henbane River - Resistance Points : 900