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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4


Main game[]

  • [Camera] Equip camera. Target enemies with the camera to tag them for your team.
  • After the death of her parents, Yuma was taken in by Pagan Min's father
  • After you break through into Northern Kyrat, powerful new weapons and skills will be unlocked
  • Agent Willis Huntley was an intelligence operative active in Kyrat in the 1980s
  • Ajay Ghale grew up knowing nothing about his father, The Golden Path, or Kyrat
  • Ajay Ghale was born in Kyrat, but raised in the United States
  • Ajay Ghale’s mother, Ishwari, fled Kyrat when Ajay was only 3 years old
  • Ajay’s father, Mohan Ghale, is the founder of The Golden Path rebellion
  • Ajay’s mother asked him to scatter her ashes at Lakshmana in Kyrat
  • Ajay's mother would never talk to him about Kyrat, his father, or why she fled the country
  • All are welcome at Noore's "Shanath Arena", where animals and men fight to the death for the crowd
  • Alternate vehicle controls are available in the Controls page of the pause menu
  • Amita values progress over tradition
  • Amita was the first official female fighter in The Golden Path
  • As well as the remaining gold mines, Yuma also operates 'Re-education Centers' in the North of Kyrat
  • Autodrive helps you focus on aiming and looking while driving - press [AutoDrive] to turn Autodrive on
  • Before Pagan declared them off-limits, the people of Kyrat prayed regularly at the giant Kyra Statues
  • Before Pagan Min condemned them, the Bell Towers used to ring to signal time for prayer
  • Before the current conflict, Kyrat was embroiled in a civil war between Royalists and Nationalists
  • C4 charges and proximity mines provide tactical explosive opportunities in combat
  • Climb Kyrat's img="MC_RadioTower" Bell Towers and liberate them to reveal the map and get free weapons
  • Collect 2x img="MC_Plant_Green" Green Leaves to autocraft a healing syringe and hold [Heal] to heal
  • Craft the Hunting, Survival, Focus and Overdose syringes from local plants and receive performance-enhancing boosts
  • Crouch to make less noise and reduce your visibility, and use sound suppressor attachments to reduce weapon noise
  • Darpan does regular smuggling runs across the border from Patna to Kyrat for The Golden Path
  • Darpan does the talking
  • Despite his naïve man-child façade, Hurk is in the grips of an existential crisis about his purpose and place in life
  • Despite smoking away most of their twenties, Reggie and Yogi can still create useful herbal remedies
  • Destroy any img="MC_CPropaganda" Propaganda Posters you find to halt the spread of Pagan Min's doctrine
  • Destroy the img="MC_HConvoy" Pagan's Wrath convoys that roam Kyrat seeking retribution for the Outposts you liberated
  • Discover King Min's Kyrat, the officially sanctioned guidebook, by completing missions, discovering new locations, and hunting wildlife
  • Dispatch The Golden Path's most wanted in img="MC_WDAssassination" Assassination and img="MC_WDVengeance" Eye For An Eye quests
  • DJ Rabi "Ray" Rana runs Kyrat’s only pirate radio station
  • Durgesh Prison was built to imprison a guru whose prophesy upset a great king, and now Yuma carries on this tradition in style
  • Each liberated Outpost unlocks a specific reward : Weapons, Skill Points or Crafting Ingredients.
  • Earn Karma across Kyrat by completing img="MC_KarmaEvent" Karma Events, making clean kills with bows, and spinning img="MC_CPrayerWheel" Mani Wheels
  • Earn Karma by helping the locals and the Golden Path during img="MC_KarmaEvent" Karma Events
  • Earn XP and unlock new abilities in the Skills menu
  • Every Outpost contains a img="MC_TX_Shop" Trading Post where you can sell loot, and buy and customize weapons
  • Find and remove the img="MC_CDemonMask" Masks of Yalung to stop the bad omens of a deranged killer
  • Find Kyrat's rarest animals and skin them for crafting in img="MC_PPRare" Kyrat Fashion Week
  • Find packages and return them in img="MC_SupplyDrop" Golden Path Supplies
  • Find the img="MC_ShangriLa" Thangkas and relive the myth of Shangri-La
  • Fly into the wind spire to ascend
  • Fortresses are heavily guarded elite outposts run by img="MC_YumaOutpost" Yuma, img="MC_NooreOutpost" Noore, img="MC_DeFleurOutpost" De Pleur, and img="MC_PaganMinOutpost" Pagan Min himself.
  • Help Longinus atone for his sins in his img="MC_Longinus" quests
  • Hide dead bodies by interacting with corpses and moving them
  • Hijack the img="MC_Cargo" Royal Cargo trucks and deliver them to the Golden Path
  • Hold [Shoot] for a concentrated shot or Tap [Shoot] for a widespread shot
  • Hunting quests provide opportunities to img="MC_PPExterminate" Control pests, gather img="MC_PPSupplies" Supplies, or show your img="MC_PPSurvivor" Survival skills
  • If you have a one-handed sidearm, you can shoot while driving
  • If you want to carry more weapons, you'll need to craft larger weapon holsters
  • img="MC_BombDisarm" Bomb Defusing quests task you with preventing some explosive situations
  • img="MC_FConvoy" Armed Escort quests need your help to escort Golden Path supplies to safe locations
  • img="MC_TX_Shop" Trading Posts let you customize weapons with sound suppressors, scopes, larger magazines, and paint schemes
  • In Kyrat mythology, the Goddess Kyra is Banashur's daughter
  • In Kyrat mythology, the Goddess Kyra's descendants are known as "Lotus Children"
  • In order to become Tarun Matara, the chosen girl must undergo a ceremony at Jalendu Temple
  • In the 1800s, a British Lieutenant went missing in Kyrat, no trace of him was ever found
  • In the 1800s, the British used Kyrat as a staging area for its invasion of India
  • It is rumored that the CIA has been smuggling weapons into Kyrat for years
  • Kalinag is a legendary hero who was sent by his king to discover the fabled land of Shangri-La
  • King Avinash built Shanath Arena in 1750, to distract his people from their disagreements with the monarchy
  • Kyrat had a thriving economy in the 1950s thanks to tea from the Kyra Tea Company and gold exports from KEO Mining
  • Kyrat is full of fascinating img="MC_ULoc" locations waiting to be discovered
  • Kyrati Films are paying good money for performers willing to compete in their img="MC_RCircuit" Races and img="MC_RSurvivalChallenge" Survival challenges
  • Learn the Elephant Rider skill, and you can approach an elephant and press [Interact] to ride it, press [Run] to charge, and press [TakeDown] to bash enemies
  • Learn the Trade Agreement skill, and the shopkeepers will sell you explosive and fire arrows, and other black market goods
  • Liberate the img="MC_Outpost" Outposts across Kyrat to unlock quests, img="MC_TX_Shop" Trading Posts, and img="MC_FastTravel" Fast Travel
  • Liberating an Outpost without triggering any alarms, or without being detected, will give you a Time Bonus.
  • Longinus is in Kyrat on a mission of personal redemption
  • Longinus supplies weapons to The Golden Path
  • Longinus will gift you free weapons for liberating img="MC_RadioTower" Bell Towers
  • Look for highlighted points in the world and use the Grapple to quickly ascend, swing and climb
  • Look for large img="MC_CPrayerWheel" Mani Wheels in the world and spin them for Karma
  • Many loot chests can be found in the wild containing money, ammo, and interesting items
  • Noore has poachers operating throughout Kyrat to ensure a steady supply of animals to fight in Shanath Arena
  • Noore is in charge of heroin production in the midlands of Kyrat, using opium delivered by Paul "De Pleur" Harmon in the South
  • Pagan Min can command his men to attack liberated Outposts in img="MC_Retaliation" Retaliation Parties
  • Pagan Min finds Westernized Chinese food such as General Tao Chicken and Crab Rangoon amusing
  • Pagan Min has been a recluse in his palace, in the North of Kyrat, for more than a decade
  • Pagan Min has convinced the outside world that he is a democratic leader, plagued by The Golden Path 'terrorists'
  • Pagan Min has decreed that all religious practice is treason, punishable by death
  • Pagan Min is very particular with his words
  • Pagan Min murdered the last surviving member of the Kyrati royal family when he betrayed the Royalists and seized the throne
  • Pagan Min 'recruited' an aspiring Indian designer to style the Royal Army and Guards
  • Pagan Min took over all farms growing tea and grains, and converted them to opium crops
  • Pagan Min was born in Hong Kong, where his father was involved in organized crime
  • Paul "De Pleur" Harmon goes back to the US to visit his wife and daughter, Ashley, every 6 weeks
  • Paul "De Pleur" Harmon has his men loot all bodies for trophies. He gives the best ones to his daughter Ashley as gifts from his 'business trips'
  • Paul "De Pleur" Harmon throws notorious parties in his 'City of Pain'
  • Paul "De Pleur" Harmon's previous employer was an American intelligence agency
  • Paul Harmon is known among the Kyrati populace as "De Pleur"
  • Pay attention to your detection meter - if it fills up, you've been spotted and you need to break line-of-sight with your enemy
  • Press [CancelKillCam] to skip the killcam.
  • Press [COOPWheel] to open the Guns For Hire wheel and play Co-op or spend a Guns For Hire token and call in a mercenary to help you fight
  • Press [SwitchWeapon] to change arrows
  • Press [Tag] to tag an objective.
  • Press [Wingsuit] while airborne to use your wingsuit.
  • Provide your support and complete missions for img="MC_Amita" Amita, img="MC_Sabal" Sabal, and the img="MC_GoldenPath" Golden Path
  • Purchase body armor to increase your defensive capabilities
  • Purchase maps from img="MC_TX_Shop" Trading Posts to find collectible items, loot chests, and interesting locations on the world map
  • Reggie and Yogi first started running scams on fellow backpackers in Bangkok
  • Reggie and Yogi need a test subject for their img="MC_YogiReggie" quests
  • Replay any Outpost you've liberated alone or with a friend, and compete on the leaderboards in img="MC_OutpostMaster" Outpost Master
  • Rescue civilians and captured Golden Path members in img="MC_Hostage" Hostage Rescue quests
  • Rupees are awarded for completing quests, but can also be found in loot chests and scavenged from dead enemies
  • Sabal believes Bhadra is destined to become the next Tarun Matara
  • Sabal grew up idolizing Mohan Ghale's legacy
  • Sabal is a devout believer in the teachings of Kyra
  • Search for the img="MC_TX_Letter" Lost Letters and img="MC_Journal" Mohan Ghale's Journal entries that are scattered across Kyrat
  • Set map waypoints for personal destinations, and a GPS route will be drawn showing the quickest roads to take
  • Signature Weapons are high-performance custom-built guns, available at img="MC_TX_Shop" Trading Posts
  • Someone in Kyrat has been murdering people as 'offerings' to the demon Yalung
  • Spend your Guns for Hire tokens by pressing [COOPWheel] and call in a Golden Path mercenary to fight by your side
  • Take the time to plan your progression in the Skills menu - learn new takedowns, syringe boosts and more
  • The circumstances of Mohan Ghale's death are a mystery
  • The Crafting menu lets you use your animal skins to create larger bags for ammo, money, loot, and weapons
  • The Ghale family home has been abandoned since Ishwari Ghale fled Kyrat with her son Ajay
  • The Ghale Homestead is a place to rest and reflect on your progress, and can be customized with shop items
  • The Golden Path was formed by Mohan Ghale after Pagan Min betrayed the Royalists
  • The img="MC_Arena" Arena will let you pit your strength against a variety of opponents for fame and fortune
  • The khukri has been used by warriors in Kyrat for countless generations
  • The Loot Bag menu lets you sort, manage, and discard your loot items
  • The people of Kyrat believe Banashur is the god of gods and the creator of Kyrat
  • The Progress menu will show you how much you've achieved, and where your next major rewards will come from
  • The royal family of Kyrat was assassinated by nationalist extremists in the mid 1980s
  • The Sherpa roams the land, acting as a fully mobile img="MC_TX_Shop" Trading Post for all your buying and selling needs
  • The Tarun Matara is considered the real-life incarnation of the Bride of Banashur
  • The thangka painting of Shangri-La is believed to be the key to returning to Shangri-La and reliving Kalinag's journey
  • The thangka painting of Shangri-La was torn to pieces and hidden across Kyrat
  • The thangka painting that was in the Ghale family home tells the story of Kalinag’s journey into Shangri-La
  • There may only be one Tarun Matara at a time
  • Throw bait to attract predators and cause chaos among enemies
  • Throw rocks to distract enemies and prevent them from spotting you
  • To finish off downed enemies, interact with them to perform a finishing move.
  • To make tight turns when driving, press [HandBrake] to use the handbrake
  • Use arrows, bolts or knives to hunt animals cleanly, and obtain more skins and throwable bait
  • Use the Map to img="MC_FastTravel" Fast Travel to any Outpost you've liberated
  • When Kalinag returned from Shangri-La he told his story to a monk, who painted the epic tale in a thangka
  • When Shanath Arena was first built in 1759, it featured tigers and elephants fighting to the death
  • Yalung is a demon in Kyrati mythology who awoke when Banashur created the world
  • Yogi and Reggie are wanted in India for multiple counts of fraud involving tourists, carpet smuggling, and missing passports
  • You can learn many close-quarters and ranged takedowns from the Skills menu, to quickly kill your enemies
  • You can perform a takedown in front of an enemy, but only when he is reloading his weapon
  • Your camera lets you tag all nearby enemies and animals, and lets you track their movement through walls
  • Your health will automatically regenerate to the nearest bar after you take damage
  • Your wallet can be upgraded from the Crafting menu to carry more Rupees
  • Yuma is obsessed with finding Shangri-La and unlocking its secrets
  • Yuma's parents were killed during a joint taskforce raid executed by INTERPOL and Chinese anti-narcotics officers


  • [Adrenaline] Use speed syringe to increase your speed and fire rate.
  • [SpiritWalk] Use ghost syringe to scout enemies in spirit form.
  • Activating the Bell Tower reveals enemy Rakshasa on the minimap.
  • Aim carefully. You can take fall damage from using the Blink Arrow.
  • Aim for the chest until you feel comfortable with your accuracy.
  • Aim with scopes and iron-sights when firing at distant targets.
  • An arrow will detonate any remote C4 that has been planted on the Outpost flag.
  • An icon appears on your HUD when you are tagged by an enemy.
  • Animal attacks can come from above.
  • Animal charms regenerate over time.
  • Animals appear where the charm lands.
  • Animals can help you take an objective.
  • Animals have good senses. They will often point you towards an unseen enemy.
  • Approach an enemy from behind to take down.
  • Arrows take time to travel. Lead your shots.
  • As the Golden Path, use your superior firepower to secure the demon mask.
  • Assault rifles excel at medium ranged combat.
  • Attack Golden Path players while they're attempting to bomb a propaganda target.
  • Attack the Overrun site from multiple directions.
  • Battlefield intelligence is important. Tag enemies as often as possible.
  • Battles of Kyrat is a judgment free zone. Shoot your enemies in the back.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when reviving allies, it might be a trap.
  • Be careful driving to enemy occupied sites, you could be heading into an ambush.
  • Be excellent to each other.
  • Be on guard if you hear an animal while playing as the Golden Path. Every animal wants to kill you.
  • Bears don't deal as much damage as tigers, but can take more punishment.
  • Before attacking an Overrun site, equip a close or medium range weapon.
  • Before attacking the Outpost, use a Ghost syringe to tag enemies and detonate proximity mines.
  • Bell Towers make for great sniper perches.
  • Blink arrows are great for rapidly infiltrating Overrun sites.
  • Block an Outpost entrance with a vehicle to disrupt Rakshasa movement.
  • Both factions have close range melee attacks.
  • Build map awareness by playing custom matches.
  • Buildings provide cover, concealment, and unexpected routes through the environment.
  • Bushes are great hunting blinds.
  • Cameras work on both animals and people.
  • Capturing the Bell Tower earns XP.
  • Carry Explosive and Swarm Arrows to clear Outposts.
  • Catch a ride! Hop-on a vehicle when wearing the demon mask.
  • Change positions often when sniping.
  • Change spawn points as the Overrun Objectives update.
  • Charge vehicles with your elephant to send them flying.
  • Coins are used to unlock items for both factions, regardless of where you earned the XP.
  • Combat upgrades can be purchased from the battle supply board.
  • Combine "Chew Toy" , "Marathon Runner", the .700 Nitro, and a shotgun to create a loadout for big game hunting.
  • Combine the "Deep Breath" skill with steel core ammunition to increase your weapon's damage and accuracy.
  • Communication can be the difference between victory and defeat.
  • Compensate for arrow drop over long distances.
  • Consider how much time is left on a propaganda charge before moving to disarm it.
  • Controlling the Bell Tower can be key to victory.
  • Controls sluggish or too sensitive? Adjust your settings on the controller layout menu.
  • Cooking grenades lessens the delay between being thrown and exploding.
  • Coordinate with your team to focus on the same propaganda target.
  • Coordinate with your team to make sure the Bell Tower stays under your control.
  • Counter vehicles in the Overrun site with explosive arrows.
  • Crawl out of danger so your teammates can safely revive you.
  • Crouch to become invisible to the Golden Path.
  • Deploying your parachute at high altitude makes you a target.
  • Destroying a propaganda target grants additional round time.
  • Disable the Bell Tower to hide your team's position on the minimap.
  • Don't have a gunner? Run the demon mask carrier over.
  • Don't let the Rakshasa near the Outpost flag.
  • Don't like a loadout? Use the killcam to see what your opponents are using.
  • Don't linger too long on the mortar. You will quickly become a target for the enemy team.
  • Don't ride alone. Wait at your spawnpoint for a teammate before driving off.
  • Don't underestimate the lethality of animals.
  • Drive off sweet jumps and grab some tasty air to earn XP.
  • Driving controls are changed on the options menu.
  • Drop from a wingsuit to perform an aerial takedown.
  • Drop on Golden Path enemies for a lethal takedown.
  • Eagles are weak, but are excellent at stunning enemies for a period of time.
  • Earn additional XP by reviving incapacitated teammates.
  • Eject! You can wingsuit out of an airborne vehicle.
  • Elephants are deadly with or without a rider.
  • Elephants can help you defend propaganda objectives.
  • Engage animals at a distance if possible, they are deadly up close.
  • Every purchase made within a group increases the cost for remaining unlocks within that group.
  • Explore the loadout editor thoroughly, there are multiple abilities and weapons for each faction.
  • Explosions damage everything in the immediate area. Even you.
  • Explosive and Fire arrows do damage over a wide radius.
  • Finish enemies to quickly clear the Overrun site.
  • Finish off Rakshasa for cash to spend at the battle supply board.
  • Finish off the Golden Path to gain animal charms.
  • Finish the Golden Path to gain animal charms.
  • Finish the Rakshasa to gain cash.
  • Finishing an opponent makes you an easy target. Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Fire a Blink Arrow into the air and open your wingsuit.
  • Fire faster and sprint longer with the "Top Speed" skill.
  • Fire in short, controlled bursts.
  • Fire-based weapons deal damage over a wide area.
  • Firing from the hip is effective at close range.
  • Flame weapons are great for area denial.
  • Flame weapons can injure multiple opponents.
  • Flush out enemies with explosives and automatic fire.
  • For a mobile loadout, combine Blink Arrows, "Top Speed", and "Herbal Guru."
  • Friend of the Pack, "Large Quiver", and "Shadow Strike" are good defensive skills.
  • Gather green plants to craft healing syringes.
  • Gather red plants to craft speed syringes.
  • Gather yellow plants to craft ghost syringes.
  • Gathering intel for your team is just as important as scoring a few extra kills.
  • Get a friend to watch your back when using turrets and mortars.
  • Getting mauled by animals? Equip the "Chew Toy" skill.
  • Ghost walk over mines to safely detonate them.
  • Ghost walk over proximity mines to kill nearby Golden Path.
  • Ghosts syringes allow you to invisibly scout objectives.
  • Give your teammates a chance to revive you. You'll stay in the fight and they'll get XP.
  • Golden Path deal extra damage to Rakshasa performing takedowns.
  • Golden Path players in the tower? Surprise them with a Blink Arrow.
  • Good Ears helps you detect sprinting enemies.
  • Good Ears, "Field Surgeon", and "Marathon Runner" are good general purpose skills.
  • Harvest a plant to automatically craft a syringe.
  • Harvest plants to craft syringes.
  • Harvesting plants is an easy way to earn XP.
  • Have a favorite weapon? Personalize it through attachments.
  • Having trouble killing animals? Try shooting them several times in the head.
  • Having trouble taking the Outpost? Try assaulting it with an elephant.
  • Having trouble wingsuiting? Try jumping first.
  • Having trouble winning? Try switching up your loadout.
  • Healing syringes boost maximum health with "The Good Stuff" skill.
  • Healing syringes fully restore your health.
  • Heavily armed players can be easily flanked.
  • Help your team quickly secure the perimeter of an Overrun site.
  • Hip fire is less accurate than aimed fire.
  • Hit them where it hurts! Different parts of the body take different amounts of damage.
  • Hold [Heal] to use a medicine syringe and quickly restore health.
  • Hold [HoldWeaponInv] to select a different syringe. [UseSyringe] Use syringe.
  • Hunting animals? Purchase steel core rounds.
  • If a propaganda target is heavily defended, then shift the focus of your attack.
  • If you approach an enemy while prowling, you can perform a takedown.
  • If you fall from a high place, you'll take damage.
  • If you find the demon mask, consider your surroundings before picking it up.
  • If you see an animal appear, the Rakshasa who summoned it is nearby.
  • If you see something, say something. Communication is crucial to victory, and freedom.
  • If you're injured, find cover and heal yourself.
  • In Outpost mode there is no advantage to multiple teammates at the flag. The rest of the team should focus on protecting the flag raiser.
  • In Overrun, more teammates at the site means more points for the team!
  • In Propaganda mode, knockout the toughest target first.
  • Incoming explosives are marked with a HUD indicator.
  • It's not always the best idea to finish off an enemy.
  • It's sometimes better to give-up, than allow the Rakshasa to gain an animal charm.
  • Keep an eye out for resupply stations to refill ammo or arrows.
  • Lead your shots when aiming at moving targets.
  • Learn the enemies' demon mask delivery locations and setup ambushes.
  • Learn the locations of your favorite plants.
  • Learn the most common enemy paths through the level, and then attempt to disrupt those.
  • Learning how to get the most out of your wingsuit is an essential skill.
  • Lighter guns acquire their targets more rapidly.
  • Like playing with animals? Try out the "Pack Alpha" and "Friend of the Pack" skills.
  • Like to do stealthy takedowns? The "Shadow Strike" skill might be right for you.
  • LMGs are great for flushing out prowling Rakshasa.
  • Look for nearby players to revive you.
  • Make sure the Golden Path does not control the mortar before attacking an Overrun site.
  • Manage your loadouts before matchmaking, you can't edit them during a match.
  • Match your skills to your equipment loadouts.
  • Mix and match weapon attachments to find what works best for you.
  • Mobility loadouts are great for rapid game modes and quick assaults.
  • Mortar fire will bring Rakshasa out of stalk mode.
  • Move carefully around Outpost corners, you never know where the Rakshasa may be.
  • Nearby animals charge the closest Golden Path player.
  • Need to buy yourself some time? Shoot a Fire Arrow near the propaganda site.
  • Night sights aid with target acquision in iron sight mode.
  • Normal arrows travel farther than special arrows.
  • Once you eliminate all Golden Path within the Outpost, prepare for their counterattack.
  • Outpost capture progress decays if the flag is idle too long.
  • Pack Alpha will make your summoned animals tougher.
  • Pairing a driver with a gunner can be a lethal combination.
  • Perform an aerial takedown on the enemy demon mask carrier while parachuting.
  • Place explosives at the enemy demon mask capture areas.
  • Place mines near Outpost entrances to help defend the flag.
  • Plant C4 at objective locations.
  • Plants are often found near Rakshasa spawn locations.
  • Practice makes perfect. Don't worry if you don't win often. You'll get better and earn XP with each match.
  • Press [IronSight] to aim.
  • Press [PlaceIED] to place C4.
  • Press [Tag] to tag a downed teammate.
  • Press [Tag] to tag an enemy in your sights.
  • Press [TriggerIED] to detonate C4.
  • Press back on [ZipSpeed] to slow down.
  • Protect ya' neck! Don't turn your back on enemies.
  • Protect your propaganda! Disarm enemy charges.
  • Provide sniper support while your team secures the Overrun site.
  • Prowling can be used for both combat and scouting.
  • Prowling players are partially visible.
  • Prowling Rakshasa have a distinctive sound.
  • Prowling Rakshasa reveal their location if they move too rapidly.
  • Proximity mines can stick to both horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • Proximity mines give off a beeping sound.
  • Proximity mines injure anyone nearby.
  • Pulling off special techniques like headshots, multi kills, and melee kills will earn you extra XP.
  • Purchase optics best suited to your preferred engagement range.
  • Purchase the explosive pack to carry more remote C4 and proximity mines.
  • Purchasing body armor might mean the difference between life and death.
  • Rain devastation on the Rakshasa with the mortar.
  • Rakshasa can see nearby players through walls .
  • Rakshasa can throw a charm to summon an animal.
  • Revive fallen comrades to get them back into the fight.
  • Revive teammates to keep control of the Overrun site.
  • Revive your brothers! It is essential that the Rakshasa maintain a presence at the Outpost.
  • Scan Overrun objective sites with the camera before attacking.
  • Scavengers and Technicals are safer from arrows than the ATV.
  • Search for the demon mask within the hunting zone displayed on your minimap.
  • Secure the area before bombing propaganda targets.
  • Secure the Overrun site with a sudden, coordinated attack.
  • Set a trap by incapacitating enemies and waiting for their teammates.
  • Shoot an enemy with the Blink Arrow to perform a takedown.
  • Shotguns and submachine guns are lightweight and great for close combat.
  • Shotguns are effective weapons against eagles.
  • Silencers conceal your location on the minimap.
  • Silencers deal reduced damage.
  • Sniper rifles and LMGs excel at shooting through cover.
  • Sniper rifles and shotguns do extra damage against animals.
  • Sniper rifles are useful when scouting enemy locations.
  • Sniping is a great way to defend the Outpost.
  • Sniping is hard with an eagle in your face. That's just science.
  • Some weapons can fire through cover. Use them to get at hard to reach foes.
  • Spawned animals can be used to set off proximity mines.
  • Spawning a new animal replaces your current animal.
  • Spread out! Explosive weapons have a dangerous area of effect.
  • Stationary weapons can provide a powerful advantage, but they leave you vulnerable.
  • Stay on target! Maintain your zoom with the LK-1018 to guide your rocket.
  • Stock up on syringes before moving into dangerous areas.
  • Strong Hand reduces scoped recoil, and pairs well with fully automatic weapons.
  • Summon an animal before entering the Outpost to create a distraction.
  • Summon animals to distract the Golden Path before defusing a propaganda bomb.
  • Summon animals to flush out Golden Path in the Overrun site.
  • Summon the eagle as a distraction, and then use the Blink Arrow to perform a takedown. Congrats, you've earned your PhD in Bird Law!
  • Summoned animals have a mind of their own and will seek out nearby enemies.
  • Syringes are free to craft if you have the materials. Experiment with them.
  • Tagged enemies appear on both the HUD and minimap.
  • Take a moment before entering combat to inspect your surroundings.
  • Take a moment to purchase body armor before entering the demon mask hunting zone.
  • Take every opportunity to heal damage.
  • Take your time when aiming. You may not get a second shot.
  • Take your time when attempting to capture the Outpost. The stealthy approach often yields the best results.
  • Taking fire? Move unpredictably to try to throw off your opponent's aim.
  • Team score is the average of each team's contribution to the match.
  • Tear down propaganda posters to gain XP and earn cash for the entire team.
  • Tearing down posters in propaganda mode will net you extra XP.
  • Teleport to your ghost's location with the "Ghostwalker" skill.
  • The "Aimed Reload" skill lets you reload while zoomed in, making it easier to stay on target.
  • The "Deep Breath" skill increases the amount of time you hold your breath while scoped in.
  • The "Fast Learner" skill increases XP gain.
  • The "Field Surgeon" skill increases the health of revived teammates.
  • The "Field Surgeon" skill makes you a more effective medic.
  • The "Haggler" skill can help you gain an early advantage.
  • The "Large Quiver" skill increases the number of arrows you carry.
  • The "Marathon Runner" skill is ideal for demon mask.
  • The "Top Speed" skill makes a great addition to any propaganda loadout.
  • The .700 Nitro rifle is an excellent weapon for dealing with large animals like the elephant.
  • The bear excels at defending objectives.
  • The camera detects prowling Rakshasa.
  • The car is not a place of silent reflection. The Rakshasa will hear you coming.
  • The elephant wants to help. It will attack close enemies.
  • The enemy can easily disarm a propaganda charge. Defend armed bombs.
  • The extended magazine increases the amount of ammunition available before reloading.
  • The final propaganda objective will be heavily defended. Plan accordingly.
  • The flamethrower is a powerful close range weapon, but can easily damage its user.
  • The front windshield provides some protection against arrows.
  • The full choke reduces shotgun spread.
  • The Golden Path are best suited for medium and long range combat.
  • The Golden Path resupply point explodes when destroyed.
  • The heavy barrel reduces hip fire accuracy, but increases long range precision.
  • The high power sight is ideal for long range shooting.
  • The high powered scope is useful for long range marksmanship.
  • The hunting zone for the demon mask changes after a successful capture.
  • The killcam shows the location of your killer.
  • The lightweight barrel reduces recoil.
  • The longer your team can hold the Outpost, the higher your XP bonus.
  • The propaganda explosion can kill you. Be sure to stand clear.
  • The quicker your team captures the Outpost, the higher the XP bonus.
  • The Rakshasa excel at close range combat.
  • The red dot scope was designed for mid range combat.
  • The Spread Arrow can be used to kill multiple occupants in a vehicle.
  • The Technical excels at suppressive fire.
  • The Technical's grenade launcher can be used as a mobile mortar.
  • There are no arrow tables at Overrun sites. Replenish your supplies before attacking.
  • There are two delivery locations for the demon mask. Coordinate with your team.
  • There is a difference between the sound of ghosting and prowling Rakshasa.
  • Throw a few grenades near the outpost flag before trying to recapture it.
  • Throw animal charms in areas that need defending.
  • Tigers deal a lot of damage, but are more fragile than bears.
  • Toss animal charms in areas that you want to control.
  • Try creating a loadout for each game mode.
  • Try finding a spot on the map where you can react to multiple threats.
  • Try hiding your body in a tall bush before using the ghost syringe.
  • Try leading an elephant into combat, dismounting, and summoning an animal.
  • Try wingsuiting to a sniper perch.
  • Turrets and mortars appear on the minimap.
  • Turrets have unlimited ammo, but overheat from prolonged use.
  • Upgraded syringes unlock new abilities. Purchase upgrades from the skill menu.
  • Use "Ghost Walker" to recapture the Bell Tower.
  • Use a speed syringe to rapidly move to a new Overrun site.
  • Use Blink Arrows to catch up to the demon mask carrier.
  • Use Blink Arrows to rapidly reach threatened propaganda objectives.
  • Use cover to your advantage.
  • Use Explosive Arrows to destroy vehicles.
  • Use sniper rifles to kill distant demon mask carriers.
  • Use speed syringes to rush fortified positions.
  • Use Swarm Arrows to slow down Golden Path demon mask carriers.
  • Use the "Ghost Walk" and "Shadow Strike" skills to position yourself for a takedown.
  • Use the "Ghost Walker" skill to position yourself to disarm a propaganda bomb.
  • Use the "Shadow Strike" skill to move faster and takedown enemies from a greater distance.
  • Use the Blink Arrow to get out of heavy firefights.
  • Use the Blink Arrow to get to hard to reach places.
  • Use the Blink Arrow to reach the demon mask, and then use a speed syringe to escape with your prize.
  • Use the camera and the ghost syringe to tag enemies and expose their position to your teammates.
  • Use the camera to scan a propaganda location before attacking.
  • Use the camera to scan for Rakshasa attempting to infiltrate the Outpost.
  • Use the elephant's trunk to smash enemies.
  • Use the flamethrower to deny common Overrun hiding spots.
  • Use the ghost syringe to automatically tag enemies.
  • Use the handbrake to quickly turn your vehicle.
  • Use the minimap to locate plants.
  • Use the mortar to loosen the Rakshasa’s hold on an Overrun site.
  • Use the Scavenger as a mobile machine gun turret.
  • Use the speed syringe to sprint faster.
  • Use the Swarm Arrow to slow down the demon mask carrier.
  • Use the wingsuit to quickly traverse the map.
  • Use vegetation to fire from concealment.
  • Use vehicles to quickly get back to the Outpost.
  • Use vehicles to reach the demon mask hunt zone.
  • Use your vehicle to safely earn points in Overrun.
  • Vehicle explosions injure everyone within range.
  • Vehicles allow you to rapidly traverse the map.
  • Vehicles are found near your spawn.
  • Vehicles can be used to block travel routes.
  • Vehicles provide occupants with additional protection from weapons.
  • Want a short range optics option? Go for the reflex sight.
  • Want to create a mobile bomb? Attach proximity mines or remote C4 to vehicles.
  • Want to hit harder? Purchase steel core rounds from the battle supply board.
  • Want to run faster? Look into the "Marathon Runner" skill.
  • When carrying the demon mask equip a lighter weapon like a handgun or SMG.
  • When defending the Outpost, purchase body armor to absorb more damage.
  • When guarding a propaganda target, listen for approaching Golden Path vehicles.
  • When guarding the outpost flag, report the positions of Rakshasa players to your teammates.
  • When using iron-sights or scopes, game icons will fade out to give you a better sight picture.
  • When you're down, press [ClingOnToLife] repeatedly to stay alive and alert nearby teammates of your position.
  • While an ally distracts the Golden Path, use the Blink Arrow to reach the propaganda bomb.
  • Wingsuit to quickly reach propaganda objectives.
  • Winners Don't Use Drugs
  • You are awarded coins from earning XP. Use coins to unlock weapons, attachments, and new skills.
  • You can carry multiple syringes.
  • You can deploy up to three active proximity mines.
  • You can disable vehicles by shooting their tires.
  • You can equip two skills for each loadout.
  • You can guard armed propaganda targets with additional explosives.
  • You can harvest plants to make syringes.
  • You can have multiple loadouts.
  • You can kill enemies by shooting their remote C4 and proximity mines.
  • You can only have three active proximity mines. Place them carefully.
  • You can purchase new skills and customize your loadout.
  • You can shoot while parachuting.
  • You can slide under obstacles and behind cover by sprinting and pressing crouch.
  • You can tag an enemy or objective for your teammates by keeping an eye on the target and pressing [Tag].
  • You drop the demon mask when you fire a Blink Arrow.
  • You earn XP for killing animals.
  • You earn XP from wingsuiting long distances.
  • You keep your syringes when you respawn.
  • You shouldn't underestimate handguns. They're fast, effective, and pack a decent amount of damage.
  • You take reduced damage while riding an elephant.
  • You travel faster while wearing the demon mask.
  • You will hear a warning when the Rakshasa are at the Outpost flag. Clear them out.
  • Your movement speed is affected by the weapon you're carrying.
  • You're vulnerable when placing a propaganda charge. It's nice to have friends.


  • Be sure to give targets with [TigerTarget] for your Tiger to assist you in battle
  • Butchers can disappear when attacking, so watch their movements
  • Fly into the spires of red leaves to ascend higher
  • Lurkers will spawn Beasts that attack you
  • Ring the Bells of Enlightenment to free Shangri-La from an unknown evil
  • Seekers that were killed battling the Rakshasa have necklaces that reveal the secrets of Shangri-La
  • Shangri-La is where Kyra, daughter of the deity Banashur, achieved nirvana
  • Shoot explosive urns to kill multiple demons
  • Shooting dead Beasts will cause their bodies to explode
  • Slow down time with your bow to perform precision shots
  • Target The Mouth To Bring Down The Raskshasa
  • Use the Tiger with [TigerTarget] to distract the Scorcher and then take him down from behind
  • Use your Tiger with [TigerTarget] to take down demons
  • Visitors to Shangri-La will not be hurt when they fall

Battles of Kyrat[]

  • Compare your Arena performance with your friends on the leaderboards
  • Connect to the Arena Master companion app and customize your own battles
  • Earn enough fame and you'll progress through the Arena ranks
  • Endless Mode challenges you to survive against countless enemy waves
  • In Endless Mode, survive as long as you can and compare your score with your friends
  • In the Arena, there are no alliances between teams - take advantage and let them fight each other
  • In Weapon Challenge you need a minimum score of 3 stars to win
  • Perform Takedowns to earn more Arena points during a tournament
  • Play a battle from the Community or Friends list, and earn more Arena points
  • The more enemies you kill during each round, the more fame you'll earn
  • There is a Weapon Challenge for each weapon that you own - collect new weapons to unlock new challenges
  • Unlock new units in the Arena Master companion app by progressing through the Arena ranks
  • When you enter the Arena, your current weapons are left at the door - you'll get them back when you leave
  • When you gain the favor of the crowd, they can throw you ammo packs
  • Win the favor of the crowd, and they will throw you health packs when you have low health
  • Your Arena rank dictates your starting weapon, but you can always scavenge better weapons as you go

Escape from Durgesh Prison[]

  • Certain abilities cannot be learned in the Escape from Durgesh mode
  • Certain Crafting Upgrades are not needed in the Escape from Durgesh mode, namely the wallet
  • Collect 2x img="MC_Plant_Green" Green Leaves to autocraft a healing syringe and hold [Heal] to heal
  • Collecting Mani Wheels, Propaganda Posters and Masks of Yalung will award bonus time
  • Completing Missions will award you special defense bonuses at the img="MC_Extraction"Extraction Point
  • Different Outposts will give out different rewards. img="MC_OutpostSkill" will award Skill Points. img="MC_OutpostCrafting" awards crafting ingredients. img="MC_OutpostWeapon" rewards Weapons
  • Discover img="MC_WCacheUndiscovered" Weapon Caches to find powerful weapons
  • Dying at any point during Escape from Durgesh will send you back to the initial Bell Tower. All Missions will be reset, as well as the timer
  • Gain as much XP in a single session as possible to increase your Leaderboard score
  • Make sure you reach the img="MC_Extraction"Extraction Point before the timer runs out
  • Press [Back] to view your current score and best score in the top right corner of the menu
  • You will not find any money or img="MC_TX_Shop"shops during Escape from Durgesh
  • Your health will automatically regenerate to the nearest bar after you take damage

Valley of the Yetis[]

  • Buy Relay Station Upgrades in the Trading Post or complete Upgrade Quests to prepare for the Night survival
  • Certain abilities cannot be learned in Valley of the Yetis mode
  • Collect 2x img="MC_Plant_Green" Green Leaves to autocraft a healing syringe and hold [Heal] to heal
  • Disciples of the Demon Yalung came to this valley many hundreds of years ago
  • Hunters who previously lived in the valley have left behind some interesting skins
  • If you hear a roar, that might be a wild animal. Or it might be something far more deadly
  • Legends say that the Disciples of Yalung brought a powerful Relic with them when they came to the valley
  • Loads of weapons have been abandoned in the valley by Yuma's military expedition
  • Many famous hunters have gone into the valley in search of the illusive Yeti. None have returned
  • Many of the caves have hot springs, but beware the steam rising from them
  • Most Kyrati people believe the Yeti is just a myth
  • Old texts found in Kyrat describe a ritual in which the Disciples of Yalung meditate for over one hundred years
  • Shooting a Yeti in the head with a powerful weapon will weaken him
  • The men Yuma sent to retrieve the Relic have been presumed dead for over a year
  • The military expedition Yuma sent to retrieve the Relic never returned to Kyrat
  • The Relic is reputed to have the power to grant immortality
  • The Valley of the Yetis is a great place to play with the Wingsuit
  • There are legends that say Yetis can be weakened with explosives
  • There is no Karma in the Valley of the Yetis. Maybe that's because of the Demon Yalung's influence here
  • There used to be a road that led into the valley, but it was intentionally destroyed
  • Weapons can be found in the remains of Yuma's expeditionary force
  • When Yuma heard the stories about Yalung’s Relic, she sent an expedition into the valley to find and recover it
  • You can improve the Relay Station's defenses by performing Upgrade Quests in the valley
  • You can perform a Takedown from the back of a weakened Yeti


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