Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5


Far Cry 5 has several side missions involving the deputy finding missing collectibles for several residents of Hope County.

Image Name Mission Description
Icon inventory zippos Vietnam Lighters What They Carried Wendell Redler wants the deputy to find his former veteran groups' personal Vietnam Lighters to retrieve the passcode to his armoury.
TBA Cheeseburger Bobbleheads Mint Condition Dave Fowler wants the deputy to find his missing collection of Cheeseburger Bobbleheads.
Icon inventory whiskeybarril Whiskey Barrels Whiskey River Sherri Woodhouse wants the deputy to find stashes of her great-grandfather's moonshine, McHelen 57.
Icon inventory recordcrate Vinyl Records Turn the Tables Wheaty wants the deputy to find Milk Crates of Vinyl Records so he can add the songs into rotation on his radio station playlist.
Icon inventory comics Comic Books Golden Age Nostalgia Nadine Abercrombie wants the deputy to find her grandfather's vintage Comic Books.
Icon inventory baseballcards Baseball Cards Grand Slam George Wilson's Hope County Cougars Baseball Cards featuring his friends and teammates were stolen by the cult, and he enlists the help of the deputy to get them back.

