Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

Title Description
Bliss "Faith uses a drug known as THE BLISS to ensure blind devotion to the Father. Those who resist are turned into ANGELS."
Blue Lupine "A wolf-like destroyer of soil quality. They say full moons don't affect it, but we all know the truth."
"This plant enjoys moist alkaline meadows if only to use the word "moist" and make everyone deeply uncomfortable. Moist."
Jimson Weed "This nightshade was named "Jamestown weed" after soldiers there ate it and got blasted. YOLO."
"This plant grows almost everywhere and should not be ingested by anyone or used for doomsday cult brainwashing."
Mustard "That yellow condiment in your fridge starts from this plant and is made in another type of plant."
"Apparently mustard comes from plants and not plastic bottles who knew?"
Prairie Fire "It hooks up with neighboring plants, steals nutrients, and gives flowers. Sounds like that ex."
"This plant thrives in sandy, acidic soil, and has far-reaching roots that help it stay grounded in loose dirt."
Prickly Lettuce "The leaves of this annual are bitter like life itself. Unlike life itself, you can put it in a salad."
"Prickly lettuce thrives in the disturbed soil of grasslands, fields, and plains because it had a trouble childhood."
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