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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry New Dawn

The Items in Far Cry New Dawn consists of several categories. There is a plethora of Weapons, Clothes, and an Inventory full of different Items.

Crafting Materials[]

Image Name Find it Used for
Cra eth Ethanol Liberate Outposts, loot supply Drops or hijack tanker trucks Upgrading Prosperity's facilities, purchase Maps at the Cartography Facility and upgrade weapons
Cra duct Duct Tape In Locations, Treasure Hunts, Expeditions and by trading animal skins and fishes Crafting Weapons and Vehicles
Cra comp Components In Locations, Treasure Hunts, Expeditions and by trading animal skins and fishes Crafting Weapons and Vehicles
Cra gear Gear In Locations, Treasure Hunts, Expeditions and by trading animal skins and fishes Crafting Weapons
Cra spri Spring In Locations, Treasure Hunts, Expeditions and by trading animal skins and fishes Crafting Vehicles
Cra tit Titanium Complete any Expedition, loot highwaymen's trucks, open safes and trade animal skins Crafting Weapons and Vehicles
Cra cir Circuit Board Complete any Expedition and trade animal skins Crafting Weapons and Vehicles
Cra carb Carbon Fiber Liberate any Outpost and trade animal skins Crafting Weapons and Vehicles
Cra cop Copper In Containers, on enemies and by trading animal skins and fishes Crafting Ammunitions and Consumables
Cra blas Blasting Cap In Containers, on enemies and by trading animal skins and fishes Crafting Proximity Mines, Dynamite, Molotovs, Pipe Bombs, and Smoke Grenades
Cra blap Black Powder In Containers, on enemies and by trading animal skins and fishes Crafting Explosives and Smoke Grenades
Cra solv Solvent In Containers, on enemies and by trading animal skins and fishes Crafting Molotovs and healing Guns For Hire
Cra yuc Yucca In and near forests Crafting Bait, Smoke Grenades, and healing Guns for Hire
Cra boug Bougainvillea Near lakes and rivers Crafting Medkits and healing Guns for Hire
Cra cist Cistanche In caves and along roads Crafting Medkits


All of these are found in Containers, on enemies, or are created by crafting. Bait can only be crafted with meat and plants. Some Explosives require different Explosives Lab Upgrades

Image Name Description Used for Requires
Cons med Medkit Healthcare plan in a box. Just about as useful as before the collapse Healing - 1x Bougainvillea

- 1x Cistanche
- 1x Meat

Cons bait Bait Craft it with Meat and Plants Attracting wild animals - 1x Yucca

- 1x Meat

Cons throw Throwing Knife Gotta slice your tiny crabapples with something Killing enemies silently. Shhh - 35x Copper
Cons smoke Smoke Grenade Emits a smoke cloud that reduces visibility. You could also wait for a dirt storm but who's got the time? Creating a smoke screen - 1x Yucca

- 1x Black Powder

Cons molotov Molotov A bottle, a rag and some alcohol. Treat every glass bottle you find like it's the last one Burning things! - 1x Solvent

- 1x Blasting Cap

Cons dyna Dynamite It's the second coming of the wild west. Might as well fight like it. Light the wick, throw it, and take cover Making things go boom - 2 Black Powder

- 2 Blasting Cap
- EXPLOSIVE Lab level 1

Cons rem-exp Remote Explosive A remote detonated plastic explosive. Remember: timing is everything Blowing up stuff via remote detonation - 3 Black Powder

- 3 Blasting Cap
- EXPLOSIVE Lab level 1

Cons pipe Pipe Bomb An improvised explosive device. But let's get real, everything's improvised these days Blowing up enemies, vehicles, and more - 3 Black Powder

- 3 Blasting Cap
- EXPLOSIVE Lab level 3

Cons prox-exp Proximity Explosive An explosive that will detonate when anything gets close to it. Sensitivity is its greatest strength Blowing up everything that approaches it - 3 Black Powder

- 1 Blasting Cap
- EXPLOSIVE Lab level 3


Craft these at any Workbench or loot from enemies and containers

Image Name Description Used for Requires
Amm handgu Handgun Ammo Ammo for handguns. Fiddly bullets to make, but worth it in the long run Handguns - 10x Copper
Amm smg SMG Ammo Ammo for Submachine Guns. Use it like you'd use salt on meat SMGs - 16x Copper
Amm shotg Shotgun Ammo Ammo for Shotguns. If you shake one and hear rattling, that is totally normal Shotguns - 18x Copper
Amm rif Rifle Ammo Ammo for Rifles. Without these, a rifle is just a real nice club Assault Rifles - 20x Copper
Amm .50 .50 Cal Ammo Ammo for .50 cal weapons. With these bullets the size of cigars, how can you go wrong? Powerful Handguns and Sniper Rifles - 30x Copper
Amm lmg LMG Ammo Ammo for Light Machine Guns. Not as caloric, but also not as tasty LMGs - 30x Copper
Amm roc Rocket Launcher Ammo Rocket for Rocket Launchers. Swat targets out of the sky like a flyswatter Rocket Launcher - 60x Copper
Amm 40m 40mm Rounds Grenade Launcher Ammo. For when you just need to wrap something up real quick Grenade Launchers - 60x Copper
Amm arr Arrows A bundle of arrows. Not as fast as a bullet, but damned easier to make Bows and Slingshots - 10x Copper
Amm fla Fuel Tank Use wisely - not like you can pick up a refill at a gas station anymore Flamethrowers - 60x Copper
Amm saw Saw Launcher Ammo Saws. It's litteraly a stack of circular saws. So metal Saw Launchers - 40x Copper

Special Ammo[]

Craft these at any Workbench. They require different levels of Explosives Lab Upgrades.

Image Name Description Used for Requires
Itemshop pistol armorpiercing 180x180 Armor-Piercing Pistol Ammo Armor-piercing rounds for Pistols. This will go trough shields and helmets Piercing shields and helmets - 20 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 1

Itemshop smg armorpiercing 180x180 Armor-Piercing SMG Ammo Armor-piercing rounds for Submachine Guns. This will go trough shields and helmets Piercing shields and helmets - 30 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 1

Itemshop rifles armorpiercing 180x180 Armor-Piercing Rifle Ammo Armor-piercing rounds for Rifles. This will go trough shields and helmets Piercing shields and helmets - 40 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 1

Itemshop 50cal armorpiercing 180x180 Armor-Piercing .50 Cal Ammo Armor-piercing rounds for .50 cal weapons. This will go trough shields and helmets Piercing shields and helmets - 40 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 1

Itemshop lmg armorpiercing 180x180 Armor-Piercing LMG Ammo Armor-piercing rounds for Light Machine Guns. This will go trough shields and helmets Piercing shields and helmets - 40 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 1

Itemshop shotgun slug 180x180 Shotgun Slug Shells for Shotguns. Keep the old ones and pack 'em with salt for a flavorful surprise Concentrating shotgun fire: more damage in a smaller target area - 40 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 1

Itemshop shotgun incendiary 180x180 Incendiary Shotgun Ammo Incendiary rounds for Shotguns. Like if a gun could punch with fire Setting enemies on fire with bullets - 40 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 2

Itemshop pistol incendiary 180x180 Incendiary Pistol Ammo Incendiary rounds for a pistol. A little bit of heartburn in every shot Setting enemies on fire with bullets - 20 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 2

Itemshop smg incendiary 180x180 Incendiary SMG Ammo Incendiary rounds for a submachine gun. Like a more lethal, spicier pepper spray Setting enemies on fire with bullets - 30 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 2

Itemshop lmg incendiary 180x180 Incendiary LMG Ammo Incendiary LMG Ammo: for when you want to light things up in a big way Setting enemies on fire with bullets - 40 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 2

Itemshop assaultrifles incendiary 180x180 Incendiary Assault Rifle Ammo Incendiary rounds for an assault rifle. The best revenge is served flaming hot Setting enemies on fire with bullets - 40 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 2

Itemshop 50cal incendiary 180x180 Incendiary .50 Cal Ammo This .50 Cal Ammo bursts into flame on impact. Handle gently Setting enemies on fire with bullets - 40 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 2

Itemshop incendiaryarrows 180x180 Incendiary Arrow Arrow that will start a fire on impact. It's straight up medieval Setting enemies on fire - 20 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 2

Itemshop explosivearrows 180x180 Explosive Arrow Think of it like a low-tech, baby grenade launcher Blowing up targets - 30 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 3

Itemshop 40mm incendiary 180x180 Incendiary Grenade Launcher Round Incendiary ammo for Grenade Launchers. For when you just need to fry something up real quick Launching a grenade that will explode and start a fire - 60 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 2

Itemshop rocketlauncher cluster 180x180 Cluster Rocket This rocket releases a tight cluster of explosives. Good for when you're too busy to aim Launching an explosive cluster that will destroy a wide area - 60 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 3

Itemshop rocketlauncher incendiary 180x180 Incendiary Cluster Rocket This is a cluster rocket, that causes a fire. It'll be like a pocket-sized Collapse Launching an explosive cluster that will destroy and burn a wide area - 80 Copper

- Explosive Lab Level 3

For Trade[]


Name Find it Used for
Icon inventory damagedmeat 180x180 Damaged Meat Loot animals killed by explosions Trading for 2 Blasting Caps at the nearest Workbench
Trade damaski Damaged Skin Loot animals killed by fire, explosions or vehicles Trading for 2 Black Powder at the nearest Workbench
Trade burned-meat Burned Meat Loot animals killed by fire Trading for 20 Copper at the nearest Workbench
Trade road Roadkill Meat Loot animals run over by vehicles Trading for 10 Copper at the nearest Workbench
Trade feather Feather Loot birds killed with firearms Trading for 60 Copper at the nearest Workbench

Rank I[]

Loot these animals killed with firearms, arrows or melee weapons

Name Used for
Trade deer Deer Skin Trading for 30 Duct Tapes at the nearest Workbench
Trade prongh Pronghorn Skin Trading for 30 Components at the nearest Workbench
Miss skunk Skunk Skin Trading for 30 Copper at the nearest Workbench
Trade rattle Rattlesnake Skin Trading for 30 Components at the nearest Workbench
Trade hare Hare Skin Trading for 60 Copper at the nearest Workbench
Trade wild-dog Wild Dog Skin Trading for 60 Copper at the nearest Workbench
Trade cattle Cattle Skin Trading for 40 Duct Tapes at the nearest Workbench

Rank II[]

Loot these animals killed with firearms, arrows or melee weapons

Name Used for
Trade elk Elk Skin Trading for 8 Black Powder at the nearest Workbench
Icon inventory caribouskin 180x180 Caribou Skin Trading for 60 Gears at the nearest Workbench
Trade boar Boar Skin Trading for 60 Copper at the nearest Workbench
Trade wolver Wolverine Skin Trading for 40 Components at the nearest Workbench
Trade wolf Wolf Skin Trading for 30 Titanium at the nearest Workbench
Trade croc Crocodile Skin Trading for 6 Black Powder at the nearest Workbench
Trade shark Shark Skin Trading for 4 Solvent at the nearest Workbench
Trade demon-fish Demon Fish Skin Trading for 60 Copper at the nearest Workbench

Rank III[]

Loot these animals killed with firearms, arrows or melee weapons

Name Used for
Trade bull Bull Skin Trading for 8 Black Powder at the nearest Workbench
Icon inventory bisonskin 180x180 Bison Skin Trading for 60 Duct Tapes at the nearest Workbench
Icon inventory mooseskin 180x180 Moose Skin Trading for 60 Gears at the nearest Workbench
Trade blbear Black Bear Skin Trading for 40 Titanium at the nearest Workbench
Icon inventory grizzlybearskin 180x180 Grizzly Bear Skin Trading for 40 Titanium at the nearest Workbench
Trade cougar Cougar Skin Trading for 60 Components at the nearest Workbench

Rank Elite[]

Loot these animals killed with firearms, arrows or melee weapons

Name Used for
Icon inventory epicbisonskin 180x180 Monstrous Bison Skin Trading for 10 Circuit Boards at the nearest Workbench and crafting the "Bison Burger" M-79
Icon inventory epicboarskin 180x180 Monstrous Boar Skin Trading for 10 Carbon Fiber at the nearest Workbench and crafting the "Such A Boar" D2
Icon inventory epicbearskin 180x180 Monstrous Bear Skin Trading for 10 Carbon Fiber at the nearest Workbench and crafting the "Bear With me" Saw Launcher V.3
Trade mons cougar Monstrous Cougar Skin Trading for 10 Circuit Boards at the nearest Workbench and crafting the "Rock-Paper-Scissors" AR-C


Catch these in a fishing spot

Name Used for
Fish paddlefish 180x180 Paddlefish Sturgeon Trading for 40 Copper at the nearest Workbench
Trade chinook Chinook Salmon Trading for 30 Springs at the nearest Workbench
Trade rainbowt Rainbow Trout Trading for 30 Duct Tapes at the nearest Workbench
Fish basssmallmouth 180x180 Smallmouth Bass Trading for 30 Components at the nearest Workbench
Fish basslargemouth 180x180 Largemouth Bass Trading for 4 Blasting Caps at the nearest Workbench
Trade bull-trout Bull Trout Trading for 4 Black Powder at the nearest Workbench

Mission Items[]

Name Description Mission
Miss music Music Player Find lost music players hidden in Hope County to add music so Survivor Radio.
Upgrade Homebase to level 2 to unlock Survivor Radio
Miss john John Seed's Ranch A photo of John Seed's Ranch A Thousand Words
Miss falls Fall's End A photo of Fall's End Water Tower A Thousand Words
Miss gardenv Gardenview Packing Facility A photo of Gardenview Orchards A Thousand Words
Miss holl Holland Valley Elevator A photo of the Grain Elevator A Thousand Words
Miss brid Bridge of Tears A photo of the Bridge of Tears A Thousand Words
Miss mast Mastodon Geothermal Park A photo of the Geothermal Park sulfur ponds A Thousand Words
Miss jose Joseph's Compound A photo of Joseph Seed's Compound A Thousand Words
Miss mdam McKinley Dam A photo near an old hydroelectric dam A Thousand Words
Dear photograph 02 180x180 Rye & Sons Aviation A photo of Rye & Sons Aviation A Thousand Words
Icon inventory beanbelonging 180x180 Business Plan TBA Losing Streak
Miss fieldkit Field kit A bag full of herbs, remedies, supplements, and goodies to anyone's spirits lifted. Deep Dive
Miss josephsword Joseph's Word A book bound in leather, packed with handwritten text

For the location of the same name in FC5, see Joseph's Word.

The Prophecy
Miss key
Miss keycard
Keys Several Keys for different occasions See Main Article