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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry New Dawn

Far Cry New Dawn has several unique vehicles. They can be clustered in land vehicles, boats and aircrafts. The Security Captain only has access to helicopters when it comes to flying. There is a special wingless plane, which can't fly and is classified as a boat, but can also drive on land. Highwaymen utilize high-altitude airplanes for supply drops.

Garage Vehicles[]

The Garages in Prosperity and some liberated outposts give access to a variety of cars, boats and helicopters. Upgrades of the facility unlock better vehicles.

Land Vehicles[]

Land vehicles
Name Description Rank Requirements
01 common sidecar Rusty Sidecar With a sidecar you can bring along a friend, or an enemy you want to give tetanus to I - 88 Springs
01 common veh quad hunting Essential Quad Because a quad has more stamina for crossing a blasted heath chasing prey animal than you ever will I - 78 Springs
01 common veh compact civilian Rusty Coupe Hard to tell if the apocalypse got to this car first, or if it was just owned by a teenager I - 78 Springs
01 common veh sedan domestic Reinforced Sedan The Highwaymen probably drive their kids to after-school ballet class in this I - 91 Springs
01 common veh tractor Essential Tractor A key to survival, whether that means farmwork or flattening enemies I - 94 Springs
03 rare veh buggy coupe Metalframe Buggy Coupe The chassis of a buggy, the body of a coupe, the heart of a warrior II - 156 Springs
06 rare veh buggy coupe ulc Blueprint Buggy How many roll bars until a safety feature creates a cage-like death trap? Drive this prototype and find out II Ubisoft Club
03 rare veh sidecar Makeshift Sidecar Like a bottle of cheap wine, it's nothing fancy but it'll get you where you need to go II Breakout
06 rare veh sidecar ulc Knight Sidecar A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse! II Part of the Graffiti Theme
03 rare veh coupe classic muscle 02 Really Vintage Muscle Coupe Collectors can take comfort in the fact that they'll never produce a car like this again II - 182 Springs
03 rare veh truck 2cab classic rebel Metalframe Pickup Drive this pickup to the fight, win it, and enjoy a tailgate party right away. Bring your own dog meat II - 182 Springs
03 rare veh semi classic Metalframe Semi Marauder There's enough space on the grill to tie up a whole person. Hood ornament now, organ harvest later II - 182 Springs
03 rare veh tractor signature The Velocitractor In a generation or two dinosaurs will be forgotten. Best instill fear with this tractor now while people still get the nickname II - 104 Springs
04 epic veh buggy signature 01 Metalframe Semi-Auto Buggy Never suffer another ruined picnic with a suspension that can take you to the prettiest peak and a semi-auto that ensures solitude III - 312 Springs
04 epic veh trike turret360 01 Metalframe Semi-Auto Bike Probably a good idea to wear a helmet, especially if someone's in the gunner seat III
- 312 Springs
04 epic veh truck 4cab Metalframe 4-Cab Roomy enough to carry all your friends into a firefight, or serve as a shelter for one when the winter closes in III - 312 Springs
04 epic veh offroad signature 01 Metalframe Offroader Sturdy and reliable, they don't make 'em like this anymore. Because all the factories were destroyed in the Collapse. Oops III
- 312 Springs
06 rare veh offroad signature 01 ulc Hurk Legacy Offroad Challenge your enemies and the definition of good taste with a vehicle after Hurk's own heart III Part of the Hurk Legacy Theme
06 rare veh coupe classic muscle 02 ulc Blood Dragon Coupe Four wheels, two soora, and one incredible driver. That's you, baby. - Part of the Blood Dragon Theme Elite
- 429 Springs
- 340 Titanium
- 17 Circuit Boards
or 600 Credits
05 legendary veh trike turret360 01 The Upcycle This murdercycle makes good use of found parts. A testament to human ingenuity, creativity, and depravity Elite
- 172 Springs
- 136 Titanium
- 7 Circuit Boards
or 400 Credits
05 legendary veh coupe classic muscle 02 mis580 The Gifthorse The paint has seen better days, but it's rude to criticize a present --especially one that drives and shoots well enough to save your life Elite Days of Blunder
05 legendary veh offroad signature 01 The Armardillo Nobody will dare correct you on how to spell armadillo if you're driving this Elite
- 172 Springs
- 136 Titanium
- 7 Carbon Fibers
or 400 Credits
05 legendary veh semi classic The Problem-Solver This terrifying fortress on wheels also kinda looks like a cute duck with a beak and headlight eyes straight-on. Don't tell the Highwaymen Elite
- 172 Springs
- 136 Titanium
- 7 Carbon Fibers
or 400 Credits
05 legendary veh truck 4cab The Reclaimer It's not very ethanol-efficient but that's not the point. The point is the mounted gun that helps you reclaim ethanol when it's been stolen Elite - 172 Springs
- 136 Titanium
- 7 Carbon Fibers
06 rare veh trike turret360 01 ulc Unicorn Trike TBA TBA Part of the Unicorn Trike Extension


Name Description Rank Requirements
01 common veh water jetski Seaworthy Jetski An essential part of any Costner enthusiast's Mariner cosplay I - 96 Springs
01 common veh water rhib Seaworthy Inflatable The rubber looks about as thin as patience in some places, but it's still floating. For now I - 83 Springs
04 epic veh water rhib Metalframe Inflatable Belt some shanties over the motor, shoot some enemies, and stay afloat in a dangerous world III - 312 Springs

or 200 Credits

05 legendary veh plane hydroplane nowings Carmina (The Plane) This plane has seen an awful lot in the years before and after the Collapse. It's a miracle she's in one piece. More or less Elite - The Great Escape


Name Description Rank Requirements
03 rare veh helicopter s vintage modified Makeshift Buzzer Which is more dangerous, staying on the ground where Highwaymen are, or flying away in this thing? You be the judge II - 156 Springs
- 120 Titanium
05 legendary veh helicopter m civilian Metalframe Vintage Chopper Getting airborne is a breathtaking privilege for any human alive right now. You'll be one of the last to remember what it's like to pretend people are itty bitty ants III - 195 Springs
- 150 Titanium
04 epic veh helicopter s vintage The Lammergeier This formidable helicopter is named after a bird that can eat bones. If only the Highwaymen didn't call it "Lammy" Elite - 215 Springs
- 170 Titanium
- 8 Circuit Boards
or 600 Credits

Highwaymen Vehicles[]

The Highwaymen utilize some unique vehicles which are not available in the garages. This includes:

  • Ethanol Tanker - The Security Captain can highjack these and bring them to the nearest outpost or Prosperity. 75 Ethanol are rewarded
  • Prisoner Trucks - If stopped by The Security Captain, they can open the cage and release the prisoner in order to receive 1 Perk Point
  • Cargo Trucks - These trucks can be stopped, and openend by interacting with the lever on the backside. This reveals random crafting materials. Timber is unable to identify the materials before opening the truck, which means they are most likely determined upon opening.
  • Trucks with siege ramps to enter Prosperity
  • Supply drop planes - These planes fly uninteractable in high altitudes and drop supplies for Highwaymen. They announce themselves quite loud and whereever the package lands a band of Highwaymen is nearby to intercept it
  • Regular vehicles with Highwaymen-esque paintjobs

Interactive Map[]
