Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far CryThis article appeared in Far Cry Classic

Far Cry is a level-based, rather than an open-world, game. As the player proceeds through each level, he unlocks checkpoints at specific locations on the maps. The gameplay is not completely linear, however, since occassionaly, especially on the large outdoor maps, alternative routes are available. Moreover, not all objectives assigned to the player have to be completed to complete a level.

The list of saved checkpoints is found in the Campaign menu (press Esc when in game). Every checkpoint is accompanied by an image showing the location on the map where it was unlocked and the exact time and date on the player's device. It is possible to manually save the game at any point by opening the command menu (press ~) and typing in \save_game x where x is the desired name of the save.

The plot unfolds over a span of two days. The level Training appears to take place in the morning or midday. The sun begins to set in Research and the night falls by Steam. The next day begins in Boat which probably takes place in the afternoon, judging by the weaker lighting. The sun sets again in Swamp and the game ends in the early evening in Volcano.


Most levels are set on open, outdoor maps, but some can be confined to close quarters or mixed. The following list of levels includes the amount of space a given level provides.

# Title Space
1 Training Open
2 Carrier Close
3 Fort Mostly open
4 Pier Open
5 Research Mixed
6 Treehouse Mostly open
7 Bunker Close
8 Steam Open
9 Regulator Mostly close
10 Control Close
11 Rebellion Open
12 Archive Mostly close
13 Cooler Close
14 Boat Open
15 Catacombs Mixed
16 River Open
17 Swamp Mixed
18 Factory Mostly close
19 Dam Open
20 Volcano Close

In other languages[]


# Title Literal meaning
1 Training
2 Flugzeugträger
3 Fort
4 Pier
5 Forschung
6 Baumhaus
7 Bunker
8 Dampf
9 Regulator
10 Kontrollzentrum Control center
11 Rebellion
12 Archiv
13 Kühiraum
14 Boot
15 Katakomben
16 Fluss
17 Sumpf
18 Fabrik
19 Damm
20 Vulkan


# Title Literal meaning
1 Trening
2 Lotniskowiec
3 Fort
4 Przystań
5 Laboratorium Laboratory
6 Domek na drzewie
7 Bunkier
8 Nocny łowca Night hunter
9 Regulator
10 Kontrola
11 Rebelia
12 Archiwum
13 Zamrażarka
14 Łódź
15 Katakumby
16 Rzeka
17 Bagno
18 Fabryka
19 Tama
20 Wulkan


# Title Literal meaning
1 Обучение (Abucheniye)
2 Авианосец (Avianosets)
3 Форт (Fort)
4 Пирс (Pirs)
5 Вход в лаборатории (Vkhod v laboratorii) Entrance to the laboratories
6 Лаборатории (Laboratorii) Laboratories
7 Бункер (Bunker)
8 Парогенератор (Paragyenyeratar) Steam generator
9 Регулятор (Regulyatar)
10 Центр управления (Tsentr upravlenya) Control center / Administration center
11 Восстание мутантов (Vasstanye mutantov) Uprising of the mutants
12 Архив (Arkhiv)
13 Инкубатор (Inkubatar) Incubator
14 Грузовое судно (Gruzavoye sudna) Cargo ship
15 Катакомбы (Katakomby)
16 Река (Ryeka)
17 Болото (Balota)
18 Фабрика (Fabrika)
19 Дамба (Damba)
20 Вулкан (Vulkan)

Statistics Mode[]

Upon completing the campaign, the player unlocks Statistics Mode. When playing in this mode, the game gathers statistical data and outputs them after completion of each level. The following statistics are counted:

  • Time to finish level (h:m:s)


  • Killed
  • Survived
  • Kill Percentage
  • Average Lifetime (seconds)
  • Silent Kills


  • Shots Fired
  • Shots Successful
  • Accuracy Percentage
  • Deadliness (%)
  • Deaths
  • Average deaths per checkpoint
  • Average time between deaths (seconds)
  • Vehicles destroyed