Far Cry Wiki
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This article appeared in Far Cry New Dawn

Unlike Far Cry 5, the flamethrower uses a different design, resembling the M2A1 Flamethrower with Several opened aerosol cans strapped together with Duct tape attached to the flamethrower itself to serve as an improvised fuel tank, although there is one flamethrower using the same model as in Far Cry 5.


Rusty Flamethrower

« This flamethrower doesn't inspire confidence, but the sudden arrival of a flamethrower never does. »

In Game Description

The Rusty Flamethrower is the first Flamethrower acquired by the player. It is a Rank 1 weapon and quickly becomes of little use. Perhaps due to its decayed nature, the reloading process takes longer than normal.

Optimized Flamethrower

« Fuel isn't easy to find these days - enjoy every cubic foot of that fire, because it ain't cheap. »

In Game Description

The Optimized Flamethrower is the second Flamethrower acquired by the player. It is a Rank 3 weapon and therefore stronger than its rusty counterpart. It has a partial semi-cylindrical piece of metal reinforcing the nozzle.

"Weedkiller" Flamethrower

« Yeah! This'll take care of your weeds! And your garden! And your state! »

In Game Description

The "Weedkiller" Flamethrower is the fourth flamethrower acquired by the player. it is a Rank 4 weapon and stronger than its other counterparts. It has a shovel handle screwed onto the stock of the nozzle itself. Similar to the Optimized Flamethrower, The "Weedkiller" Flamethrower has a partial semi-cylindrical piece of metal reinforcing the nozzle, only with a cone shaped front end.

"Unicorn" Flamethrower

« They DO exist! »

In Game Description

The "Unicorn" Flamethrower is not only the final flamethrower acquired by the player but also the most unique weapon in Far Cry New Dawn. Unlike the other flamethrowers, it is based on the LPO-50 Flamethrower(and possesses a proper fuel tank), like in previous games. it is colored pink, blue, and purple, with a rainbow decal on the stock of the nozzle itself, and a horn-like ornament above the tip of the nozzle. the flames that shoot out from the "Unicorn" Flamethrower are rainbow colored, befitting the "Unicorn" themed aesthetic of the weapon itself.
