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This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« Adelaide's treasured helicopter, Tulip, has been stolen. Find her chopper and eliminate the traitorous pilots she used to call friends. »


Friendly Skies is a main story mission in Far Cry 5.

It starts at the Drubman Marina in Faith Seed's region of Henbane River. Talk to Adelaide Drubman after liberating the marina to begin the mission. The marina is north of Peaches' Taxidermy at the lake's edge. This is a mission to bring back the helicopter Tulip. To unlock the chopper, both Friendly Skies and Eco-Warriors will need to be completed.


  • Go to the fire tower
  • Go to the lookout
  • Go to the hunting shack
  • Find the pilot
  • Kill Tulip's thieving pilot
  • Take control of Adelaide's helicopter


Adelaide wants her chopper "Tulip" back and the cultists that stole it taken out. Three locations will be marked on the player's map - the fire tower, the lookout, and the hunting shack. Players will be able to spawn a helicopter nearby.

Check the locations until Tulip is spotted in the sky. It will land so land nearby, then take out the pilot. Grab the chopper and take it back to the marina. On arrival players will see that the marina is under attack by cultists. Use the guns on the helicopter to secure the area. When enough of the cultists have been killed, they will call a retreat. Land and kill any remaining cultists. Talk to Adelaide to finish the mission. She will be added to the player's roster.


  • Adelaide Drubman added to the specialist roster
  • Henbane River - Resistance Points : 600