Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

Fullan is a character of Far Cry 4.


  • "I can't thank you enough for saving my bees."
  • "The Royal Army had it wrong. Real gold isn't what's in the earth. Real gold is honey."
  • "My bees! Won't someone please think of my bees?!"
  • "They're going to be exterminated! I need help!"
  • "The world is reliant on bees! If they're allowed to die none of us will last much longer."
  • "You! Can you help me?! The Royal Army took over my bee farm. Soldiers found gold in the area. Threw me out. Now they're getting ready to burn the hives."
  • "I'll show you on your map. Please, bees may be small but they're integral. The Royal Army doesn't realize this. All they care about is mining gold."