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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« Test out Tweak's enhancements. »


Furious is a side mission in Far Cry 5. It takes place at Prosperity in Faith Seed's region of Henbane River. This mission is unlocked after completing the Fast side mission. The quest giver is Tweak.


  • Use the Furious homeopathic
  • Punch Angels into the fire pits
  • Kick Angel bodies into the fire pits
  • Kill all remaining angels


This is a second drug QA test for Tweak. Under the influence of The Furious, players will need to knock Angels (Bliss addicts) into the fire pit using their fists and feet. If an Angel is knocked down, but not close enough to the pick, keep kicking them towards it till they fall in. Players will need 6 in the pit. Once this is done, kill the remaining Angels, then return to Tweak to complete the mission.


200 Resistance Points, $1440, The Furious - Enhanced.
