Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 6

« Careful Dani, he's higher rank in Castillo's army Means he's better trained quicker with the trigger and a tough motherfucker. »

Raiza talking about Álvarez to Dani Rojas

Cpt. Gabriel Álvarez was the FND officer on the "Fort Quito" fortress. During the mission for Fort Quito Álvarez is killed by Dani to recover the keys to the Armory where the uranium was held to be recovered and delivered for Juan Cortez for the construction of "Supremo".


"Warning: access to the armory

Due to unauthorized handling of the uranium, the armory must remain closed.  I'll keep the key with me all day.  There is a spare in the control room, but no one can enter it without my permission. 

Yours faithfully, Captain Alvarez"


  • Gabriel Alvarez is the first antagonist nominated to be eliminated by Dani Rojas.
  • Gabriel Álvarez wears sunglasses