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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« Help Wheaty recover prepper stashes hidden in the woods. »


Gearing Up is a story mission in Far Cry 5. It starts at the Wolf's Den in Jacob Seed's region of Whitetail Mountains. Talk to Wheaty to begin the mission. It has to be finished before killing Jacob or it'll just disappear!


  • Reach the Lookout Tower
  • Get the map to find the cabins
  • Find the Cooper Cabin
    • Find the Cooper Cabin Stash
  • Find the Red Tail Cabin
    • Find the Red Tail Cabin Stash
  • Reach Kestrel Cabin
  • Stop the ATV before it escapes with the stash
  • Talk to Wheaty at the Wolf's Den


Eli has stashes of guns and ammo all over the area. Weaty thinks the Whitetails (a group of local fighters) need the resources at their base - the Wolf's Den. He asks The Junior Deputy to retrieve them. There is no map available at the camp but he says the scout should have one west of there.

The Wolf's Den has a helicopter spawn point outside. The scout tower has a landing pad. Grab a chopper and head up to the tower marked with the waypoint. Go upstairs and grab the map off the table. Two cabins will now be marked on the player's map, Cooper and Red Tail. Pick one and head for it. Both will have cultists that need to be eliminated. When players are close, they will hear radio static get louder.

Cooper Cabin - there is a safe inside, and a baseball card collectible if you don't already have it. Be sure to loot those. Go outside and down a set of stairs to the white van. Behind it is another path to the right. To the left near the end of the path is a rock doorway. The stash is inside down the stairs and to the back.

Red Tail Cabin - there is a vinyl record collectible inside. Grab it if you haven't already. The stash is down a small hatch to the left of the cabin, sitting on a bunk.

After collecting the two stashes, Wheaty will be worried about cultists taking the stash at the Kestrel Cabin, so head over there next. When players are close, Wheaty will let the deputy know that the cultists have already looted the place and are taking off with the stash on their ATV's. Stop them before they can leave. The ATV on the road will have a VIP on it, and the stash. Grab the stash and return to the Wolf's Den. Talk to Wheaty to end the mission.


Supplies from Wolf's Den, 600 Resistance Points
