Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 2

Go to the oasis in the southeast and find Quarbani's missing lockbox is a buddy mission in Far Cry 2.

The mission is given to the player by Quarbani Singh at Mike's Bar.


When you meet Quarbani at Mike's, he will tell you that he has a key, but no lock to open with it. He will ask you to go to the Oasis and find the lockbox for him.

Objectives and Walkthrough[]

To complete the mission, go to the Oasis and retrieve the lockbox marked on your map, it will be lying on the ground in a small passage in the rocks, pick up the box, and return to Quarbani.

Location Objective
Mike's Bar Receive the objective from Quarbani.
Oasis Find and retrieve the lockbox.
Mike's Bar Return to Quarbani.