Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 2

Go to the villa and destroy the cargo down by the docks is a buddy mission in Far Cry 2.

The mission is given to the player by Marty Alencar at Mike's Bar.


Marty tells the player that he was contracted to drive a truck full of ammunition for an high ranking APR commander named "Alessar". When he has delivered the ammunition to the commander, he has told Marty that he will not pay him. Marty is angry at the commander's decision to not pay him. He says that the commander does not deserve the ammunition, so Marty tasks the player to destroy the ammunition and the truck at the "Private Property" to supposedly get revenge on the APR commander.

Objectives and Walkthrough[]

Location Objective
Mike's Bar Receive the objective from Marty Alencar.
Private Property Go the villa and destroy the ammunition and truck at the docks.
Mike's Bar Return to Marty.