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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« The people over at the Woodson Pig Farm have gone radio silent, and Pastor Jerome is worried. Check on them in the event this isn't a false alarm. »


Good Samaritan is a story mission in Far Cry 5.


  • REACH the Woodson Pig Farm
  • LIBERATE the resistance members
  • SECURE the Woodson Pig Farm


After successfully evicting Eden's Gate from the town of Fall's End, the Deputy pays a visit to the local church and its sole pastor, Jerome Jeffries. He congratulates them on their victory, then laments on his mission to return order to the people of Holland Valley who have been scattered and terrorized by John Seed. He grudgingly admits that trying to help every lost soul spreads the Resistance too thin, and requests the Deputy to go and investigate the loss of contact with a Resistance cell at the Woodson Pig Farm.

Once they arrive at the swine ranch, the Deputy discovers that the place has indeed been raided by Peggies, with several of the Resistance members being taken hostage and awaiting execution. The Pastor radios in and warns them that they shouldn't do anything flashy and loud to alert the cultists & endanger the hostages, instead opting for a silent approach.

Upon the cultists' demise and the members' rescue, no time can be wasted as more Peggies soon come riding in, itching for a fight. With the reinforcements they procured, the Deputy and co. immediately counterattack and fend off the attack. Jerome then calls to congratulate them on another victory and remind them of the impact they're having on the Resistance and people as a whole.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • The hostages are spread out over the small area: one is being beaten inside the house, the second is tied up next to a heavy flamer in the northwest corner, and the third is being watched by a cultist in the northeast corner.
  • One enemy patrols the western end of the farm. Remove them first, preferably with a silenced weapon or bow, as Jerome's advice is sound, to which the cultists will start attacking the defenseless hostages if they detect the player and/or their companion(s).
  • Boomer is useful at the start for identifying the close-packed enemies, while Jess Black or a Long Range Fighter can be used to silently pick off outlying enemies without raising the alarm.
  • Be warned though that if you wait too long, the heavy flamer will torch a dog locked in a cage, causing it to flee and inadvertently shifting all enemies into alert mode, though they thankfully won't attack the hostages; on the other hand, your companion will most likely go into alert mode as well and start attacking the cultists of their own volition. Act fast!