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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« Eden's Gate is attacking the Lamb of God church. Help Grace defend the graves of the fallen soldiers who have inspired the Resistance. »


Grace Under Fire is a Story mission in Far Cry 5.


Following their liberation of Dutch's Island from the cult, the Deputy hears a call going out over the radio from Holland Valley: a woman named Grace Armstrong is holding out against Eden's Gate at the Lamb of God Church, keeping them from wrecking one of His houses. Local billboards and gossip hint at her expert sharpshooting skills, a valuable asset against the Peggies.

Arriving there themselves, the Deputy successfully clears the latest group of attackers before climbing up to her vantage point and meeting Grace herself. She admits she's there to defend her father's grave, along with other war heroes, that the cult is trying to destroy to demoralize the Resistance.

No sooner does the Deputy and sniper team up than more waves of Peggies show up to finish what they started. Though their numbers are great and well-armed, Grace's keen eye and quicker trigger-finger, plus the Deputy's, manages to fight them off, scattering those left into the woodlands.

Meeting up again, Grace shows her respect for their actions and duty to defeat the cult, and offers to lend them a hand when they need it.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • The key target(s) here is actually not Grace herself, but the three Mausoleums around the church. They are represented by a health bar, and once any one of them is "killed", the mission fails.
  • Avoid using explosives near the targets or else you risk doing the cult's work for them.
  • Though it seems a good idea to grab the scoped rifle on the roof of the church, for the first few waves, a shotgun or powerful handgun works better for getting enemies at close range.
  • Be warned, the final wave of enemies includes three heavy flamers, so long distance becomes a factor here if you want to avoid damage yourself. Shoot for their fuel tanks on their backs, preferably quickly and high above them.