Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 2

Head to Goka Falls and kill Kouassi (Head to Goka Falls and kill Gakumba) is a primary mission near the end of Act I in Far Cry 2.

The mission is given to the player by either Doctor Leon Gakumba at the UFLL Headquarters or by Prosper Kouassi at the APR headquarters, both in Pala.

This mission is given by the last faction you worked for once you have completed both faction's missions. Therefore, each faction and their captain's names are generalised for this article.


Thanks to the player's efforts during his previous assignments, the current faction has grown stronger and was able to take the lead in the war, while the previous faction began losing its positions and the previous captain himself retreated from Pala to his hideout up in Mount Thabamolaetsa. In order to secure the current faction's position in Leboa-Sako and further weaken the opposition, the player's current employer will assign the player to kill the enemy captain, who is hiding in the Goka Falls lodge.

Upon successful assassination, the player discovers that the employer has, in turn, ordered the player's own assassination, and that assassins were already waiting for him at Goka Falls. The player successfully escapes from his assassins, and is later contacted by Reuben Oluwagembi, who wants to meet with the player at the Lumber Camp.

Mission Objectives[]

Location Objective
Pala Receive the mission objective.
Goka Falls Head to the Goka Falls lodge and kill Prosper Kouassi.
Goka Falls Escape from Goka Falls.


The reward for this mission is 20 Diamonds.

Following this mission, all uncompleted side missions in Leboa-Sako will be sealed off and will not be possible to accept ever again. That includes Buddy Side Missions, Assassination Missions, Weapon Shop Missions and Underground missions. Diamonds and Jackal Tapes can be still found at the player's own leisure, and the Predecessor tapes Missions can still be accepted as well.

Also following this mission, Buddy rescues will become unavailable until early during Act II.
