Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 2

Mission Objective

Head to the old Dental Clinic and destroy the radio transmitter.

Go to the Dental Clinic and destroy a special antenna broadcasting private information about the builders. Good things to use for this objective are molotovs and IEDs.


  • Head to the old Dental Clinic and destroy the radio transmitter: "Frank's managed to piss off somebody with access to a high-powered radio transmitter… Now this guy's broadcasting Frank's description on all channels, denouncing him and calling for his head. Frank's understandably upset. He wants me to knock the radio transmitter out of commission".
  • Meet Frank Bilders at the Marina to debrief: "I knocked the radio broadcasts out, so until Bilders goes and pisses someone else off, I guess this will die down. I'm sure he's down at the Marina bar waiting to hear from me".