Health Pack
Far Cry[]
The Health Pack is the player's lifeline throughout the game. Without health regeneration, like in other first person shooters, the only resource of health replenishment are the scattered Health Packs found in the environment.
Health Packs are normally found in enemy camps or outposts. They can also be dropped by dead Mercenaries, in which case they restore only a limited amount of health. The game's difficulty level controls the amount of Health Packs available to the player – higher levels provide less Health Packs. The player's health is indicated by the red bar in the bottom-right corner of the game screen.
« | Small and large medical kits restore your health. | » |
Game manual |
Far Cry 5[]
Health packs return in Far Cry 5, under a new name, Medkit. They are used to regenerate the players health, and when used will refill health points up to maximum health instantly. The player can carry three medkits, unless they have obtained the Journey Pack perk, in which they can now carry up to five.
Medkits can be obtained from some buildings, either on the floor on a bench. A tip for getting medkits is to complete the Prepper Stash missions, as nearly all bunkers have at least one. They can also be purchased from any store for $250 each.