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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« Miss Mable's pet kitty, Peaches, has wandered off to chase after cultists. Find Peaches and guide her back to Miss Mable. »


Here Kitty, Kitty is a main story mission in Far Cry 5. It takes place at Peaches' Taxidermy in Faith Seed's region of Henbane River. Players can start the mission once the prologue is completed. Miss Mable will be seen walking about and fretting over her lost cougar Peaches. Talk with her to start the mission.


  • Reach the nearby camp to find Peaches
  • Eliminate the enemies
  • Lead Peaches back home with her treats
  • Secure Miss Mable's home with Peaches' help
  • Lure Peaches into her pen


Miss Mable's pet kitty (cougar) Peaches has wandered off to chase after cultists. Miss Mable asked The Junior Deputy to take some of Peaches' treats and go locate her cat. Players will find the cat in a stand-off with cultists across the river in a camp.Kill the cultists and use the treats to get Peaches home by equipping them and tossing them along the path.

If the distance gets too far between treats, the cougar will run back to the camp and the player will have to start again.

When the deputy gets gets back with the cat, cultists will have attacked Miss Mable and her home. Peaches will help take out the cultists and secure the area. Once the area is secure, use the treats to lure the cat back into her pen, then talk to Miss Mable. She will suggest that the deputy keep the cat.


  • Peaches added to your roster.
  • 600 Resistance Points (Henbane River)



