Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry New Dawn

Highwaymen Enforcer are the elite variants of Highwaymen forces, tasked with securing objectives key to the Highwaymen stranglehold on Hope county.

They are heavily armored and can only be taken down with the master takedown skill, or with a level 3 weapon (Converted AK is a good choice).

They are also heavily armed, always 2 have weapons among the AR-C, M133, SVD, RPG-7 and Flamethrower, their most common combination are AR-C with RPG-7 and SVD with M133.

They are typically seen at level 3 control points, or as reinforcements for level 2 control points.

Finishing them off with a bayonet would unlock the achievement "Get To The Point".
