"JOSEPH SEED - THE FATHER" is a short profile of the primary antagonist in Far Cry 5. It was compiled by Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt, and can be found pinned to the top of a large wall-mounted map of Hope County in the "command center" of his bunker, along with a photo of Seed's face.
- Leader of the Project at Eden's Gate. He believes a
great "COLLAPSE" is coming, and thinks of himself as
a modern-day Noah.
Thinks God speaks to him--told him to SAVE AS
MANY SOULS AS HE CAN. Now that he's started the Reaping, his followers are willing to die for him.
He's had his people build three massive BUNKERS to
protect themselves when his "PROPHECY" comes
true... the guy is an absolute nutjob.
- This profile (and the corresponding photo) are part of a large, haphazard compilation of documents, maps, warrants, news clippings, bills and the like, many of them hanging from the walls and connected by lengths of twine.
- Each of Joseph's lieutenants (or "Heralds")—Jacob, John and Faith Seed—have readable profiles as well, each placed over the region of Hope County given to them by the Father.
- Roosevelt's profile of Joseph references "The Reaping"—the escalation of kidnappings and forcible recruitment of those Hope County residents who haven't voluntarily joined the Project at Eden's Gate, and the wholesale takeover of any and all property the cult wasn't able to take over legally. As the Reaping is a recent development, (it's the catalyst for the arrest warrant for Seed that U.S. Marshal Burke and his local backup attempt to execute,) it's clear that this was written (or possibly updated) shortly before the events of the game.