Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

Kalinag's Descent is a location within Kyrat in Far Cry 4.

Kalinag's Descent is a cave located north of Varshakot. It is referenced in a letter found in a house north-east of Varshakot.

The bottom of Kalinag's Descent is submerged in water, with a closed golden door on the north side.

Here, you can find one of the 20 lost letters. The letter is located halfway down the cave after climbing upwards twice with the grappling hook. Along the way, you will find some small ammo stacks and a statue of a face covered in something blue, identical to the one on the surface.

In the water you will find skeletons, three chests, and a Demon Fish.

A blue plant can be found on top of the water.
