Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

Khilana Bazaar is a location and outpost within Kyrat in Far Cry 4.

It is the first outpost Ajay will liberate. This is where most players get armed up. Even though this outpost is pretty well-guarded, it is very simple to liberate. An elephant cage is built in this outpost and by shooting the gate, the elephant will be set free, whereupon it will attempt to kill the Royal Army soldiers. Unlike other outposts, however, this one cannot be retaken using outpost master or resetting all outposts. It remains liberated forever.


  • Before the Golden Path took the post, the Royal Army did not let people leave or enter the valley, as the access road to the valley is closed by two buses until Ajay attacks and takes over the post to the Golden Path.

