Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

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Kyra Tea Factory is a location within Kyrat in Far Cry 4.

Kyra Tea Factory is a tea factory belonging to the Kyra Tea company that has many assets in south Kyrat, it was hijacked by the Royal Army in favor of growing opium, packaging it and selling it abroad, Rabi Ray Rana mentions that while its obvious that Paul is growing opium in these fields there are no agencies to enforce laws against this and the opium shipments are still under the same name "Kyra Tea" , in the Balance of Power mission #1 Ajay can choose to either help Amita and save the Opium fields or help Sabal and burn them.

The Factory has a main building on the hill containing all the opium packages as well as tables and rooms to store them, around the facility are fields with irrigators powered by generators as well as small huts.

